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NQR My Xmas Crew

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I had my 7 grandchildren together last night for the oldest girls birthday, (6 yrs) and I asked the Moms to dress them all in red for a Xmas picture. Well if you have ever tried getting 7 children (8 years old to 22 months) to sit still for a picture before you know my problem. Out of about 10 pics this was the best we could do. What a full house that was. My Christmas quilt was behind them for a little background.


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Someday I hope to have that photo with all of them together too. What a challenge--and it turned out beautifully. Good job Grandma. :P

Just looking at their faces, don't you imagine what they'll be like in ten years? They are the quilting future when we can't stand any longer.

Teach them well!:)

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Thanks everyone. I just had to show off my blessings, they are definately a great source of joy in my life. All those grandchildren are from my two sons. I have a daughter who has not had children as yet, but does plan on some in the future. So hopefully, my blessings will grow and continue to multiply. A very Merry Christmas to all. Jeanne

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You, might be right he is an on the go type of guy. He just turned two in October and goes not stop. Really hard to keep up with. He gets into things constantly. the other day he was out of sight for a few minutes so I went looking for him. found him in my bedroom with the door closed. I asked him what he was doing and Straight out of the mouth of Babes just as proud as he could be he said, " I am getting into your stuff, Gramma!!" Hasn't learned to lie yet I guess. LOL Jeanne

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Of course, he had lotion, toothpaste and a toothbrush and wanted to brush his teeth. Thankfully he didn't have it all over the place yet. It sure doesn't take him very long though. he is just too cute. We call him Bubby, but his name is Weber. He talks in full sentences and has for quite awhile now, you just never know what he will come out with next. When you take things away from him or tell him NO his favorite thing to say is "OH MAN" Lol yes grandkids are great we get alot of joy out of all of them.

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wow, Kristina seven kids all the time how in the world do you get to quilt. Do they go off to school and leave you home alone or just with little ones. you must wait till they are all in bed to get any quiting done. I guess that is why they give children to the young women. I raised three and had my hands full most of the time as hubby was in the military and I was like a single parent for months at a time. But I couldn't manage 7 all the time now, I would be too tired out to quilt after a full day of that. That is why being a gramma is so great you can love them up enjoy the heck out of them and then send them home and try to recooperate. LOL Luckily we are still young enough to enjoy them and have a great time with them. Jeanne

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I find time to quilt in the day when the older 5 and 1/2 are in school (one is 1/2 day kindergarten) and the 2 littles are napping. I quilt once a month with my guild at all day sew...everyone is amazed how much I get done there. While everyone is visiting...I keep right on sewing. It is like walking and chewing gum at the same time. I do not get distracted easily I guess.

Also, my oldest 5 kids sew and quilt with me at times. We can get lots done when it is a simple pattern...say, string quilt blocks. We are working on a patriotic one now.

As far as Longarming...it is new to me so I am staying up later at night to play. I am excited though...my oldest son and one daughter are hoping I will let them play too. Eventually they will get to on their own practice fabric...then maybe move on to their quilt tops.

I am getting older and gray hair is setting in. 7 kids does make you tired! I love to quilt. It is my "Me" time. We all need that sometimes. It helps that my DH is supportive. Like when dinner isn't cooked and the house needs to be swepted. He and the kids always have a quilt to keep warm with though! Kristina

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