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Quilting black with white on bottom

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Now that I have finished the quilt I had to do in a rush (most of it stitch in the ditch) I am going to do the one with the dark top and white bottom. I am using King Tut black variegated from both the top and the bottom but I really need your help again.

I have had this quilt hanging over my banister for the last 5 weeks and look at it each time I go by. I still can't decide what to quilt. My initial thought was a panto of some sort but nothing sort of hits me.

HELP all you super quilters out there. What suggestions can you give me? Hopefully the picture posts.


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Ok everyone. If you go to my October 5 posting "Quilting Black on White" and scrole down, Shana's picture of my quilt is there. I tried to reactivate that post but it didn't work.

Does anyone else have this problem posting pictures?


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