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This is my problem!

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I think I read here once how to "help" with this problem. It takes a few times but let's face it........Cats are not stupid. When you don't happen to have a quilt on the frame, drape a sheet, blanket, some sort of yardage across your bars, both backing and take up. Then when our precious furries decide to climb up and have a nap they find themselves back on the floor again. Ummmmmmmmm. As I have zippers on my leaders, I have gotten into the habit of late to unzip the take up leader and bring it back to the backing bar, then drape fabric across them. Since this is a new problem with my cat, I can't tell if it's working. She seems to only want to nap on my working quilt when I take a break, not at night when I'm trying to fake her out.

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I love kitties. My daughter took mine to town with her when she moved and I miss my Roxanne so much! (That's the cat's name) Roxanne came for a visit on Thanksgiving Day and when I could finally relax she came and curled up on my lap for 2 hours. They are so precious. I have to say Tracie's kitty picks an awfully hard spot to sleep on!

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There's nothing that makes me laugh so much as a cute/funny picture/video of a cat. I had lots of cats when I was little, but they were outside cats. Once in a while one would sneak into the house and my mom would go ballistic. The broom would come out and that cat would be swept out of the house faster than a speeding bullet. I knew better than to try and rescue it, or else I would be swept out too. I remember one time a cat got his revenge by leaving a gift on my mom's white chenille bedspread. :mad: I thought she was going to die.:P

If it wasn't for my allergies to them, I would have a million--INDOORS!:)

Thanks for the warm and fuzzy pix.

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I have this problem in the summer. We have outdoor cats but no screens in the 2nd story windows of our old farm house (and no AC, so those windows are open from May to October.) One of ours know how to climb a tree, jump to the tippy top roof, and then scamper her way down and around the roof levels until she comes to an open window. She prances right in, and climbs into her quilty hammock! Not good for customer quilts!!!

To stop her (from getting on the quilts, not coming in the house, LOL) I put tinfoil out on top of the quilt that is loaded on the frame. The idea is that once she jumps on there and gets a fright from the unexpected noise, feel, etc. she'll stay off for a bit. It's not a permanent cure, must be repeated every so often as a refresher course, LOL!

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