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Lynn's Quilt

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Linda, I was blinded by this quilt & I still am.... hate to admit it but I still can't see the humility block!

A friend made this top & because she was too slow for the rest of her group they decided to "help" her

finish it. When I got it I had to fix it as there were lots of places where the seams didn't meet up. It also had a few

humps so I unpicked & flattened them out. It was my first quilt other than my own that I quilted so I wanted her to be happy

& she was!

Jenny :cool:

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Love the quilt and the quilting. Now can you share the name of this pattern? I rarely use blacks - not because I don't like them, but because I have never had black fabric that did not change in appearance after multiple washings. Guess I will have to change my ways as I love what the black does for these bright colors. Maybe I should just try Retayne on the black fabric first. Hey, Bonnie , what do you know about Retyne and black fabric?

Again, love the quilt, Lynn. And it even looks easy enough for me to assemble.


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No offence taken Linda!

I was laughing because I couldn't see the mistake & I struggled even when Shana told me where to look!

Now I look it stands out like....hmmm better not use that analogy on here! LOL

Maybe I did see it unconsciously... it's a big quilt, why would I photograph the mistake?

Thanks for the confidence booster everyone & I will find out the name of the quilt pattern from my friend when I see her.



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Wonderful job Jenny, I knew you could do it. Is the spiral the circle lord or a template. Are you happier now with your Lenni. My right hand side of the table is giving me trouble, but I am half way through a quilt so can't do much at the moment with it. I have actually had a week to do some of my own quilts which was great. Email you soon.

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My first thought when I viewed the first picture is 'this is going to be hard on the eye balls', then I noticed it was already quilted. I didn't see the "humility" block either, had to go back and really look and decided if I had to look that hard....it must be pretty well hidden. You did an excellent job. The quilt is awesome and your friend must be very proud. Plus, you helped boost her confidence but smoothing over the rough spots...great job!!

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