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NQR - too cute to punish

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They are little angels when they first wake up.... then the terrorists kick in.

[ How did you get them all lined up? ]

They were all sleeping together in the chair and I took several photos and just kept talking to them, it just happened that they posed that way. Here is one just before they all looked up.

Sorry if I am boring you all with these photos, I am just a proud momma! :P


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Patty Patty Patty, I guess you missed the part in the manual informing cat owner's of the real name of the parts on a longarm. THAT FABRIC THAT HANGS BETWEEN THE ROLLERS (sometimes called a quilt by weird people) HAS THE OFFICIAL TITLE OF CAT HAMMOCK. ;)

Whew, OW, finally, got the claws out of my back from my own furry terrorist. :P Apparently pleased I'd passed on the information.:P

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Originally posted by Katydids

Sorry if I am boring you all with these photos, I am just a proud momma! :P

Never. I love to see pictures of all the beloved fur children.

Here is a picture of my wild child that I adopted after my neighbors moved to Arizona, took the damn dog, but not the kitty. She is doing better, but my older cat still looks for opportunities to beat the snot out of her.


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I have an unbelieveable par-time cat. She likes the neighbors better because she likes to sleep w/the dog. The other day I saw her in their yard and stopped the car, opened the door and said "get in Midnight" and she jumped in the car and rode home. She also rode home on the 4-wheeler w/me. I think she thinks she is a dog. She's pure black so I think she has out-smarted the coyotes.

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don't you just love them. I have one cat that is a lover, quilt police, and one that will not allow you to hold her unless you catch her off guard.

Her name is Cat Cat, husband named her so original. Cat Cat will not even come into the house. She is the barn cat. she will come up to the door and look in but will not come inside. she is a beautiful calico.

The quilt police cat is just that. No matter what or where I am sewing she is right there making sure I do every stitch just right. Visitors know that when Charlie is on the job, hands off. She will actually slap at your, claws revealed, to make you back off, anybody except me. She is making sure I keep quilting. Any other time she is all loving. Funny baby

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Patty, not to scare you, but be careful with the thread. If a cat starts swallowing a thread, they cannot stop. They just keep swallowing it and it fills up their insides. If enough of it gets in there, they will need surgery. And, of course, the cones we use on our longarms have more than enough to do that. Sounds like your kitty just got tangled in it and ran around a while.

I have one cat that eats thread and so I have to unthread my long arm. I cover my serger and my dsm, but covering the longarm is not as easy so I just remove the thread.

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