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Video of Dog playing in Snow.

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Due to property slopes I had it up to my waist in some areas.

Hopefully I can post a picture of BIG BIG snow man if I finish him tomorrow. I'm a KID with cold feet. lolol I shoveled for a good part of the day. At least my path areas and I had to shovel the KENNEL. My pit was below the SNOW. lololol


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You can see my path to Wood shed.

My neighbor keep telling me this is a DUSTING. I hope he is kidding. lolololol

Still I love it. Don't care how deep it gets. but it's nice when the sun comes out for a while so you can shovel your needed outside areas. Non stop snow would present a problem with pets. Haven't figured out how to handle that one yet. lolololol


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What a great neighbor! Ya think maybe he just likes to play on his dozer and runs out of places to use it at his place? My sister was down here from Ft Collins for our Mothers 75th birthday last weekend. She was getting calls from home all weekend with snow reports from her 9 year old! This is all so beautiful, Tammie! How are Manda and the kids? Have you heard from your son yet, or has he shipped out yet?

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Moving up on the X-mas list, for sure...hmm...gee whiz...lol...have you thought of making a simple, but really nice quilt?:P :P:D...maybe you could even quilt it on your machine:P:P:P...lol..I think you only have 2 machines hanging around:D:P

Seriously, he is an awesome neighbor!


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Thanks everyone. It really is just breathtaking here. I have never been happier to live somewhere evens though it has been really hard work with my Husband working in another state. I get all the shoveling, carrying the wood in and well to tell you the truth I just love it. I need more scarfs and boots though. lol

Kenna, thank you so much for asking about my son. How thoughtful of you. He is still in Iraq with his NEW WIFE and they are doing fine. I miss him terribly but I did just recently get to spend time with him at his wedding the beginning of November in California and it seemed I couldn't hug him enough. I'm very proud of him. Hopefully he will get to come home by May. Keep him in your prayers.

Yes I've been quilting away trying to get my quilts done. I've been piecing too and wow I'm enjoying it. I have lots of tops to finish for my unstairs rooms also. I'm making just about everything for the rooms and its alot of work but a labor of love.

Tracye I would love to have these recipes. I will get with you soon. What lovely gifts. Just a darling idea.

Jolene I'm well stocked and ready for it. My husband comes home for Christmas and I plan to Keep the Dually Truck this time. No doubt I'll be in the market for a 4x4 truck soon. I love my van and don't want to part with it. Might get me a used one just for this type of weather so I can have more fun in it. Who knows. I'm ready for it to be 6 feet deep. I've been trying to get my bread recipes to work. The high altitude changed the outcome of some of my cooking. I just keep tweaking the recipes. Although its good it just keeps coming out alittle dry to me. Any suggestions on this would be appreciated.

Hugs to you all.

Grammie Tammie

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Hey Grammie, So glad to see you enjoying yourself up there! I've been thinking of you a lot. Loved the pics. Treasure that neighbor, there aren't too many like him! I agree with a warm snuggly quilt!

One thing I can truly recommend is a snowblower for yourself. It DEFINITELY beats shoveling. Take this advice from someone that has lived in the high country when the snow was coming down 2 inches an hour and you're just not keeping up with it!

The other thing I can recommend is a SLED! How can you have those slopes and not want to go shushing down the hill! :P You'll get so much exercise trying to get back up to the top! :P:P I betcha those grandkids would be willing to help you!!

It sure seems like you're Wayyy up there when actually you're only about 30 miles from Canon. You can keep all that snow, I like it where it's gone in a few days all by itself!! Guess a couple of thousand feet in altitude do make a difference!

Speaking of altitude, trying adding more water to breads and other things. This area is so dry that it takes more. My first cookies turned out as big as saucers!! Go to the library and find a book on high altitude cooking for the recommended changes (or just as Manda!)

Have a happy day!

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Hey Tammie! Your place is so pretty with all of that snow.

I live in low elevation (like 450 feet) but regarding recipes for higher elevation, another suggestion would be to pick up a few of the local community recipe books that groups put together? You know the kind I'm talking about. Those are tried and true. Perhaps your local library might have some of these books, or ask around your town or even your friendly neighbors have some good tried and true recipes for your specific elevation? (just a thought) :)

Anyway, it is a joy for me to hear how happy you are with your new home. Yes, I have to say your friendly neighbor with the snow plow is worth his weight in gold, so hold him close to your heart. I have a 4wheeler with a snow plow on it and it works great to clear out our driveway but where I live in interior AK, we don't get the big dumps of snow like you do down there in CO.

Thanks for sharing, dear friend. I love your photos and your stories. (((hugs)))


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Barb and Tracye I miss you gals. I have been just so busy. Not sure when I can make time for some away time. Contractor should finish the sheetrock work this week or early next week if the snow keeps him from getting to me but we are almost ready to Blow all the walls and ceilings. Then its painting time. First Prime then paint. Once I have all that fun stuff done I can get the flooring in and it's off the decorating getting my quilting friends all here for some fun. I will be so happy to get it finished. Hopefully I can be done before spring or about that time. I have to spread out my furniture purchases. YIKES.

Gotta hit some auctions with Tracye when the times right. lol

Hugs to ya,

Grammie Tammie

PS..Your right Shana that Tracye is a DARLING!!!!!!

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