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Yes Joann that is a Pit Bull. Her name is Allie. She is the apple of my eye. The sweetest and most loving dog you could ask for. The best in house manners. Of course I think well of all my pets.

I acquired the Black Lab/Pointer mix Koda and pit Allie due to my son Coy being in IRAQ. He found Allie in you guessed it an alley as a pup. She had been badly treated ( he thought bait for dog fighting which he HATES with a passion). He is a champion Pit Bull breeder in North Carolina with a friend both servicing in the Military. My son loves all dogs and gets too many sometimes. Allie is almost 4 years old and Koda is almost 6 years old. He can't help but pick them up if they are strayed. He will take the Black lab when he gets home and maybe Allie. I kinda have gotten attached to her. My dog BO doesn't get along with Koda for whatever Reason. I think he's really jealous of her. I have to keep a close watch so he doesn't hurt her. Once in a while you find them playing but most of the time they are rivals. lol

Thanks for the comments. I did just what was suggested. I made a christmas Card. Here is the front.


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