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(NQR) It's not too late

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It's not too late if you have not had your flu Shot yet! I got mine in October... but I have been sick now for 5 days, I can not imagine how sick I would of been if I had not gotten that flu shot. I still have a really bad cough, but everyone around here says it take several weeks too get rid of it all. Now maybe can get back to quilting.

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According to the doctors around here, the strain of flu this year is different from what was predicted. The great minds get together and decide what they think is going to be the flu strain for the upcoming year and make a vaccine for that...most times they guess right, but sometimes they guess wrong. And sometimes it is a relative strain, meaning if you get the shot you will have a lessened case, but still be sick.

I take immune suppressive drugs, so I have to get my flu shot each and every year... as well as a pneumonia vaccine every 4 years.

I still manage to get sick every year, but so far have managed to stay out of the hospital!

Rest, drink plenty of fluids, and see you soon back up a\\nd at the world!


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I think the best thing I have done to ward off sickness the last few years is the old tried and true washing of the hands. For a couple of years I worked in a highschool cafeteria and you are washing your hands constantly...it became a good habit, I think, since a few years later I look back and realize that I've been pretty healthy!!! (knock on wood!!!)

I've told each of my kids as they start university to do the same since so many kids get sick within a few weeks of starting school.

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I got mine! I take immune supresants also so it's a gotta do. Had a reaction to it this year for the first time! Swelled up nad turned red then looked dark, like a bruise for about a week. I got the flu anyway several years ago and was sick during Christmas for the first time in my life! I was more unhappy about having to stay away from everyone and missing the family and fun than I was about being so sick! :D

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