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Does anyone have a liberty?

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I have a liberty and love it, but I also have a Millie. I am no longer in business and selling the Liberty because I don't need two machines. The Liberty is light and very easy to move, no vibration and stitches beautifully. I am keeping the Millie because I have a computerized system connected. Sandra is right about the quilting space it is, at best, 12 inches. I have tried the Lenni out at MQS last year and think the Liberty is a much smoother running machine.

I know mine is listed as well as one other machine and then I think APQS has a green one listed. If you are interested, I am willing reduce my price which is currently listed at $11,500. Miss Liberty needs a good home:)

You can email me at stagecl@yahoo.com or U2U me here if you are interested.


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I just Love my Liberty, (harley) I purchased it used and I have not had one problem with it! The quilting space is just right for me and with the electric quilt advance, I can get to all the spaces as a Millie, and my short arms can only reach anyway. The only thing I wished I had was the Auto Lift. I have used different threads and combos and have always had great stitches. It moves so easy! I am in love with it! YES

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I also have a Liberty. I bought it back in April as a certified used (2005) machine. I spent 5 years trying different machines, as I was saving to pay for one. I decided on APQS mainly due to the praise I kept hearing from the people on this list about the machines and the service. I wavered back and forth between a Millenium and a Liberty, and also considered the Lenni when it came out. Finally, the Liberty won because I felt the Millie was just a little too large for me. So far, I haven't been sorry to have the smaller machine. Also, due to space limitations, I had my frame cut down to 11 feet. I know I can't do a king, but I've done quite a few queens now. I'm not in business, just a hobby quilter, so I got what I felt most comfortable with, without regard to what I could make more money with, faster, as in the additional space of a Millie. I also didn't think I would ever get a computerized system, so I didn't need to consider that, either. (I don't think you can add a computerized system to a Liberty.)

I have been very happy with my little Liberty.

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I have a Liberty and I am also a hobby quilter. I do a few charity items and quilts for friends. I love my Liberty and how smooth it moves. My only regret is that I got the 14 foot table (My husband is one who thinks bigger is better). The footprint for this table is just under 16 feet and I could not put it where I wanted to. I think I would have been happier with the 12 foot table. I am very happy with the machine, however.


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If you can, test drive the Millenium and Liberty (and the other machines, too) and see if you like one more than the other. I took 3 hands-on classes at a quilt show about 2 years ago and that really helped me decide on a machine.

If you live near one of the APQS reps, perhaps you could make an appointment to visit her/his studio and get some hands on experiences. Or, try to get to a quilt show and test drive the machines.

Please let us know what you decide to buy.


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I have a Liberty and love it. It is easy to move and every bit as good as a Milly, just smaller. You have to find the one that you feel most comfortable with. I attended an APQS Road Show where they had both machines and you could try both. Mark was there and answered all of our questions. Try both before you decide. It is a big investment, you'll want what is right for you and your quilting.

Best wishes!


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Guest Linda S

I bought my Liberty after test driving a Millennium. For me, the Millennium is too heavy, and the extra quilting space may be nice in some situations, but my arms just aren't that long and I didn't want to get worse neck and back problems for reaching and struggling with the heavier machine. I bought my Liberty (Eowyn) in 2004. We have bonded and have found that we can do anything together. I've tried every machine at all the machine quilting shows and know that I made the right choice for me. The Liberty ROCKS!!


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