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I could be down for a bit

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The electricity has now officially gone down...we do have emergency power to the house that is why I am on the computer, but like I said its emergency power...so need to turn off all that is not needed. I will check in as I can, but I didn't want anyone to go panic on me.

The National Grid Electric company's ETA to my area is 8-12 hours so that means I could be down for several days.

Being raised on a cattle ranch this just brings back memories I didn't really want to relive, but we do know how to handle this.....just wish I had a wood stove to cook on. We don't even have a Outdoor Kitchen so totally out of luck. But with the emergency power can use the mic if and when needed.

So I sign off for now see you soon I hope.

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Originally posted by JoleneK

Please be safe and keep warm. Prayers that power is not out for too long.

Heidi, I hadn't been paying attention to how many days left til Christmas. Is it really only 14? OMG where does the time go? I guess I'd better get my shopping finished.

Well if we count today there are 14 days but tomorrow is almost here :(:(:(:(

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Its 6am and still no power. Heidi, when Gene rewired the house we have all lights and light outlets, and our WiFi is up and running....that's how I get internet.

I just spent the worst night of my life....I have been where trees were snapping before but never like this...we here in New England as some may not realize are totally engulfed in trees...I personally don't have but 3 trees on my property, but the snapping and cracking from across the canyon were not only amazing, but I'm sure when daylight does get here my view will have been majorly changed.

Gene has been out with the fire crew since 9pm last night, I don't know where he is, but sure he is safe....he left is drivers license and cell phone here when he ran out so fast last night, so i can't reach him. Don't know if he will go off to work or come home to crash...its been an adventure I'm sure for the crews out, both electrical and fire...and whom ever else has been called out to manage this mess.

I will take pictures when it gets to be daylight, from what I could see with a flash light when I restarted the generator its really a huge mess....

So till then...thanks guys, your thoughts are appreciated, it makes it seem like I'm not totally by myself.

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Glad you are a safe. Trees are coming down here too. We haven't lost power but 100,000 people are out of power! I'm hoping the melting is quick. It is at 32 right now so that should help and I think You are warmer south so hopefully all that crackling will stop soon! RPI is open! Shock. I didn't have to go in today anyway but I'm not sending my assistant in either. I told her to delay a minimum of 2 hours. They are saying that it will be melted by this afternoon...I hope they are right! Hope Gene stays safe!

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Bonnie and Heidi, I'm saying prayers for you and the Northeast. It's still 60 degrees here in the Mid-Atlantic, we have some damage from winds and flooding. I read the reports for your area this morning (I get them all because of being Emergency Management) and they are nasty. Our installation in Brunswick, Maine is down because of ice. You two stay safe and warm. I'm thinking of you, give me a call if there's anything I can do to help.

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Well Bonnie and Heidi your weather is finally arriving here. The wind is incredible, it almost sounds like a hurricane out side. It has been pouring rain since yesterday. I don't know what the temperature dropped to last night but I'm sure there is black ice on the roads. Just heard a large crack and a thud, I think a large tree just went down.

Turning off the computer before I lose power.


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Bonnie, Heidi & Dianne, be warm and be safe! I love a good snowstorm but there is nothing nice about ice on trees and power lines. I have a a DH who was a firefighter I know how long and tirelessly they work to help people in storms like this. Hope that you can have something hot in the mic for Gene when he gets home!

We have a flood warning here, several inches of rain and now the big winds. We will have more trees going down with so much wet and high winds. Thank heaven we have the whole house generator that DH installed this summer, it runs on propane and automatically turns on when the power goes out.

Big ((((((((HUGS))))))) to warm you all up from PA!

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Gene got home about 45 minutes ago, switched out his shirt and undies for a new set and off he went to work...he has about an 1 1/2 hours in good weather so not sure how long it will take today. He said he got about 4 hours of sleep at the station between runs so in that way he did have a good night.

Staying as warm as possible...and watching the huge trees fall around us...we have (had) a huge oak tree behind us on a neighbors property...its in shambles this morning...as well as some huge pines...so that was where all the nasty sounds were coming from last night. It sounded like machine gun fire...

The ground looks like I'm walking on bubble wrap or the bottom of a fish bowl...all the rocks are covered in about a inch of ice....really weird looking. We get ice storms in Montana...one just went thru Billings a few weeks ago....but this is nothing like I have ever seen there.

Generator is working over time so must get off for now.

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