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I could be down for a bit

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Take care Bonnie.

Lincoln NE got hit in 1997, with that same thick 1"-1 1/2" thick ice and almost everyone were trapped in their homes, cuz of fallen/broken trees everywhere.

Heat up some cocoa w/peppermint schnaaps, and grab something you can hand sew/embroidery on. It will help pass the time and keep you busy from thinking of the cold.


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Hope all is well with you, Bonnie.

We had an ice storm New Years of 07 and were 19 days without power. and just like you said, the grass was like walking on marbles and thick ice on everything. Trees broke here too but the worst thing was the power poles snapping off with all the weight of the ice on the wires. That's what took so long to repair. when we thawed our rain gauge we had 2 1/2 inches of rain in there. I don't want to do that again! thank goodness for wood stoves and generators!

Will be praying for you.

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Those pictures remind me of our trip from Indiana to Oregon last December, 2007. Our truck looked just like yours--two inches on the front and loads caked up underneath. When we got to Sydney, NE, they closed the freeway. Next morning, sunshine and clear skies!

Be careful walking on that bubble wrap!

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Still no electricity...and don't expect any till Monday or Tuesday...all is well and we are snuggly and warm....roads are now bare but the trees look like a war zone.

generator is working over time....

On the phone right now with Heidi (cell) her house phone is out so she isn't able to get on, but all is okay with her and family. She still has electricity...but no phones.

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I'm back :P:P:P! We lost our cable, phone and internet this morning at 9. Darn I couldn't even work from home today :P:cool:! We didn't loose power or heat thankfully! There are more than 30,000 just in my county without power. They said over 100,000 out. I'm thankful to have what I want. The roads are clear of ice which is the wonderful thing about being in NY...they have the tools to clear the roads. The trees however are scary! I went over to moms and there are trees down all over. Like Bonnie said all you can hear is snap, snap, snap. To make it worse the winds started picking up but so far not much worse. It was really scary to drive on the roads where the trees are close to the roadside. I would go slow until I was just under then then speed up so I could get through. I did take the time to do some decorating and did a little shopping. A lot of stores are closed because they have no power. I got all my cookie baking stuff though so let the baking begin! Not sure how much I'll start tonight but I may.

I got my quilt done and I'll try to get a few pics. I'm really pleased with that. More later! Be safe you all.

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How sad about the beautiful trees, but am glad you are safe and warm. We are supposed to get a blizzard here in Montana along with below zero temps. So I'm ready to be a hermit all weekend. Lets see, do I do a jigsaw puzzle, quilt some quilts, do some baking, oh gosh maybe I better put up the Christmas tree!!


Never bored in Montana


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Bonnie - those pics are amazing. We had an ice storm about 5 yrs or so ago and I took all kinds of pics too. We get ice storms like that here ever once in awhile and they ar no fun. We tried to walk across the street to play cards with the neighbors during the last one and we couldn't get to the end of the drive. We did talk about trying to find our golf shoes so that we had some traction, but we decided it wasn't worth a trip up into the attic!!! I hope that you are all staying warm up there in Ice country. Take care of yourselves:cool:

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We got a call last night from the utility company...and it will be 3-5 days before they can even get to the first house and it may be up to a week or more before we get our electricty back....

In some ways I am so glad I had practice with this as a kid...we sometimes were without in Montana for up to 6 weeks, before they put all the lines underground. But back in those days I had a old wood cookstove to fix meals on, and it helped keep the house warm...we don't have either a wood stove or a fireplace here...so rely totally on the generator and a few space heaters. The ice is gone and I need to take a picture now of the tree in the back...IT IS TOTALLY gone...there isn't anything left but just it's huge trunk....it was such a beautiful tree in the summer and fall. Oh, well life does go on.

All is well here, but a bit chilly, but have food, warm quilts and many many books to read, and Jigsaw puzzles to do.

Off again to stay warm...its cold in this room.:cool::P:cool:

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Take out would be great but that would require me going about 45 minutes to an hour to get to a take out place....we really are in a remote area, even though its quite crowded with people. About 2/3rds of the houses here are what we call local and the rest are weekenders, that live in Manhatten or someplace further south, and they use this as their cabin....some cabin, the one behind me is a better looking house than mine and the one across the valley from me is almost 5000 square feet, and the deck is WOW.....

here is a shot of the 5000 sq foot one from last fall....

p><p> I

I do a bunch of reheating in the mic, we have cans of soups and chips, and even a couple of frozen pizzas...so we are doing okay...yes the crock pot would work and even maybe tomorrow I will set a stew or some beans we will see what I have in the pantry...

Getting out is a trick...the major road into here are still covered with trees and logs and electric poles so you really have to know how to get through the back gravel roads to get in and out.

They are saying on the radio (went out to listen) that we may not get stuff back in this area till Wednesday or early Thursday...so will see.

So till then just us chickens here trying to stay warm and snuggly.:P;)

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I'm in Central Mass and it's a diaster. Electric went out Thursday night and just came back on Sunday. We are very lucky and now have electricity but most around us do not. some will be down for quite some time. Got down to 41 in the house before we found a generator in CT to borrow and could get the pellet stove going - we're in a very rural area. Real cold at night here, down to 11 degrees. National Guard is at the High Schools but not many people are using the shelters. We had 2 instances where we think our home was being 'cased' by some shady characters until they realized we were here when they saw flashlights inside - shining out. Then off they went. Everyone was very happy we had so many quilts in the house - we all had 4-5 on us at all times. Warm now and offering 'showers' for our neighbors who are not so fortunate.

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Prayers for everyone quilters or not, in the bad weather, power and phone lines out zones... Especially for the emergency workers.

We saw the Christmas 00 or 03 ice storm as we drove thru Tennessee a few weeks later, couldn't figure out why trees were bent and broken in all diff directions.. Finally realized it was from ice.. Lots of trees down and damaged.


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I work in Clifton Park where Heidi lives and I live about 30 minutes west of there. I lost power Friday morning and just got it back this morning (Sunday). Thank goodness I put in a gas fireplace a couple of years ago. I lost everything in my fridge, but hey it's really clean now. It's hard not being able to sew or quilt. We had power companies come from Syracuse (2-3 hours away) just to help out. Every time I drove by them working on the side of the road, I shouted out a big thank you and merry christmas. They really seemed to like the acknowledgement. Oh well, back to work tomorrow.

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