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I could be down for a bit

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Bonnie -

Your ice storm is unbelievable -- we have blizzards in western Nebraska but seldom very much ice, nothing like your pictures. Is is cold here, though -- well below zero, just as the weatherman predicted!

Take care - I watched news reports on your area and it is horrendous.

Patsy from Nebraska

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Janna, I talked with sister in Great Falls, and MIL in Billings and they were saying it was sub-zero.... Its been a long time since you have gotten weather like that...with wind chills as low as they were getting...almost makes me want to stay here and never move back (NOT)....

Still no juice..hoping for Thursday, but another one or three are coming in right behind this one need to take care of getting gas can filled and maybe run to a local laundrymat so I can have some clean clothes.:P

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Thank you PattyJo...it was an adventure...it was packed and even thou there are 12 washers and about 8 dryers it had 6 machines out of order...grrrrrrrrrrrrrr...I did meet some of my neighbors that I hadn't yet met so that was an adventure also. I don't think I would like to do the weekly trip like we use to have to do...that just isn't me. So glad that I don't have to do that often that is for sure.

I do have to agree that when this is over and we all get back to some sort of normal, I will appreciate my hot water, washer/dryer, and dishwasher a bit more than I did a week ago. That is for sure.

Its starting to rain again...I hope we don't get what we just had...way to much and to soon. The Utility trucks have been in the area all day so that is a good sign. Maybe by Wednesday or Thursday....;)

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When we moved up here we had to use the laundry mat for 6 months and I hated it! Told hubby that I was too old to have to deal with that anymore. LOL it had been more than 20 years since I had had to go and boy is it expensive!

Yes it is raining here too and I missed the weather but I think tomorrow another storm is coming in. Snow and then ice again! Then we're in for another on Friday I think but that one is supposed to be snow. There were more limbs that fell while was on campus today. It is a real mess.

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LOL, laundry mat now those were the days especially when I had to take a toddler with me. Don't even ask how many items I left on the folding table. I don't even know where one is in Virginia Beach, they are few and far between. Bonnie I hope you get power soon. The weatherperson said that we have storms coming. I got out of bed around 5AM and it was around 63 degrees now at 0720 it's fallen to 40 and going down. I like the warm weather but the bouncing temps are rough on the body.

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Staying warm, but new storm coming and it could put a halt to what is being done so far. We still are without electricity and don't expect it till tomorrow to Thursday, but this new storm could really hurt things. The pole trucks arrived yesteday, and I think they are digging post holes, but can't hear anything over the generator. I will be so happy when I can turn it off....you tune out the noise, but is still there....

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Thinking of you, Bonnie. We were without power yesterday for 5 hours. The sun was shining so our house was heated passively. It's unbelievable how quiet the house is without the refrigerator, computers, radio, washing machine, etc. How peaceful.

I know our situation is nothing compared to what you are going through. Five hours is nothing. Five days--I would have a problem.

Hoping for the best for you all...

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Still on a generator and now I need to contend with getting the snow blower out...we woke up to 3 inches....

I really thought I had been a good girl this year...man I must have stepped on somebody's toes. I am getting a white christmas, but is it to much to ask for electicity as well?????

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We now have sleet and freezing rain. Expecting snow sometime this weekend. There are schools just north of me that are closed till after the new year because they are either being used as shelters or the streets are too unsafe to run the school buses. Every year I dread winter just a little bit more and this one is starting off with a bang.


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