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one more quilt HO-HO-HO!!!

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one more quilt for my customers and I can get a few done for presents. I am thankful for all the business but I am pooped. I want to wish all of you a merry Christmas and a quilty new year. We are supposed to get snow this weekend, I cannot wait. It will be my first Christmas without my father. But I know he is looking in on me from time to time and I will see him again.



Washougal WA

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Finished my last customer quilts yesterday (I did a king and 2 lap size in one day...ETE of course) but I wanted to get them done. I have had customer appointments every day this week too...4 drop offs and 6 pick ups and another 3 that will be picked up on Monday then no more customer appointments until the new year. And I am looking forward to this break as well :cool:

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I finished my last quilt that had a Christmas theme last Sunday and called the customer to let her know 2 hours before I was done that the quilt could be picked up that afternoon since she needed it for Christmas. I couldn't reach her, tried again on Monday, her DH said she was out. Got her on Tuesday and she said, "Oh, that's okay, I don't have time to do anything with it now, I'll just come and get it next weekend." :mad:

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I too am done with customer quilts until next year. I don't have a huge customer base yet but I really don't want to have tons of quilts coming in. I have to keep it small because there is only so much time in a day and with mom and her falls that cuts into my time even more. I just posted pictures of my last customer quilt. It was complete custom and I'm really happy with how it turned out. Hubby kept telling me what an ugly quilt it was every time he came down to my sewing room. He now loves it. I hope the customer feels the same way! She is picking it up today.

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I have two left; gracious ladies told me to wait until after Christmas. I'm madly trying to finish MY quilt, a BOM that started in January 08. Last class is next Saturday. Think it will happen? I'm optimistic.

Merry Christmas to you all too! Enjoy EVERY minute from now--don't stress out, and eat well!:D

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I have 2 more.........1 ETE and 1 custom, the Barn Cross Stitch, and then I am done w/customer quilts for Christmas till after the first of the yr. Then I have 6 waiting for me.

But when I get these next 2 done I have a King size quilt I have to put together and quilt before Christmas for a gift from me. So I hope I can make it. It should be Custome quilted so I hope I have enough time. Cutting it close I know that. I still have 3 gifts to make besides the King quilt and 40 Christmas Cards to write and send out. Are there any volunteers out there that want to come help me???? :D:D

Didn't think so. ;)

Have a good week end and keep safe........Renae Gamel

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Got one on the frame at the shop and pinning one on at home tonight.

those will be my last customer quilts for the year.

But I have 3 more to quilt for my daughters. They are 8 & 9 and this year they each made a quilt for their grandmothers. 4 quilts in all. I have one done and 3 more to do. Then some more shop samples and then,......It'll be January and I start in on next year.

Loving what I'm doing!!!!

Merry Christmas All!!!


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I finally caught up with my backlog! Moving left me down 2 1/2 months instead of a couple of weeks! I've had to turn out about 12-14 quilts per week for several many weeks now, but I finally finished my backlog and everyone has their quilts back! I only have one new one and it's a dilly. Huge!

This quilt is by a local artist, Christal Carter, who is the "queen of log cabin" piecing. She as published many patterns and books years ago. Then she started painting and kinda stopped quilting, but is coming back to quilting now. I've quilted a BOM that's going to go to "Road to California" with her. It's all patterns she developed and is marketing. Loved it and her use of color. She's a master for sure!

Now I have an applique quilt that she's been working on for 20 years. She calls it her "quilt of a lifetime." No pressure there!!:P:P It's goreous! It's going to "RTC" also. I'll ask if I can post pics when it's done if it doesn't kill me first!

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