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Winter wondeland - or not!

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Hi all,

I thought I'd share a few pictures of my backyard. I was really trying to capture the sun glistening on the trees today. It was absolutely spectacular to look at our crystal city. Too bad so much beauty causes so many problems. I'm so thankful to still have power. There are more that 150,000 people out of power all around us. I'm sure Bonnie is still out...you there Bonnie? Haven't heard from you today! We have been lucky. We only lost phone, cable and Internet yesterday and for about an hour today. Diane do you have power in MA?

This is my backyard garden. Those Arbivites should be about 8 ft tall but they are bowing over! LOL looks like all the trees are bowing to you when you walk by...ok my imagination. There are a lot of downed trees. I tried to get a few pictures of neighbors but those didn't come out good.


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I didn't lose power but one of my friends in town did. Her whole neighborhood was in the dark. The wind here was incredible, I was a little scared to drive down some of the streets that are heavily wooded, for fear the something would come down on my car. And to think that this is just the beginning of winter.


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It may look pretty but it can be dangerous. We had the ice storm will be 2 years in Jan and one last year. It breaks limbs when the ices starts to fall off. Beware we are getting another tonight and would you believe we are having 61 degree weather today. All stocked up with lantern oil and wood to heat with and water to drink with and clothes are all washed ready this time. We were out 10 days of power. I would rather lost water then lights. lol This is a test from god I think. I hope everyone is ok.

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Oh so pretty! Snow/rain was forecast here for today, but all we got is sunshine. :mad: Maybe tomorrow. We were in Minnesota for 4 years and I loved the snow, as did our kitty Bob. We even had hoarfrost once. That was truly beautiful, almost mystical. Wonder where those pictures are... Thanks for sharing the pictures, Heidi.

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Yes it is very beautiful. I sure hope the ice starts to melt in my garden though! I'm so afraid my little trees are going to pop their heads and hubby and I'll have to battle putting more in the ground in spring! While I was out driving tonight it looks like there was glass all over the roads because the ice keeps falling. Normally the trees don't stay coated this long but it is hanging on. I just hope the wind stays away because if it doesn't it will get really bad! Trees are still coming down in the neighborhood. I'm glad I don't have any right up by the house. I still love looking at them in the back but they have to keep their distance!

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Still here....

Connie, like Heidi said we are in for three new storms this week...but today at least down here I'm to get to about 55, all the ice has melted with the Chinook that just came through, but tomorrow its to hit again with new forces....so I had best get the gas can filled today, and get ready to weather some more of this.

Gees i didn't even get to get back to normal and they just hit me again. Still without electricity and don't expect it till Thursday or so, but with this it could be longer.:(

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Just beautiful Heidi. Can you believe we had 6" of snow at my house last Thursday?!! I will send pics. The last time it snowed here was 1988! Of course we lost power all morning and my Mom did not have power for two days. I could not get to the shop b/c the roads were closed. However, I got three boxes of reproduction fabrics, sorted, trimmed and folded!!

I finally got a studio. After Gustav and the tree falling on my DH shop, he decided he needed to add on to the back of his shop so he gave me the 14' X 16' front room that was his outside kitchen. He has moved all of his stuff out and we have started remodeling tghe room for me. It will eventually be 14' X 20'. I bought an Ultimate I from a lady in Michigan and Dave picked it up and delived it for me. He adapted the table and cut it down to a 12'. It is just great having a machine at home. My MIL (89 years old) has enjoyed spending time with me in the studio and watching me quilt. I made two quilts for her to give two of my nieces for Christmas. My husband said that was the best m oney we ever spent on me b/c his Mom is enjoying it so much.

Anyway, I digress. I will send you picks of the snow soon.

I hope you have a Merry Chrismas!!!


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