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I quess winter is here!

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Good morning everyone,

Many of you have shared photo's of your first snows, frost in the trees and your pets in the snow. I woke this mornng and it is -35C, -31F for the rest of you. Now I don't know about you, but I feel this is darn cold! I think a good day to stay indoors and play. Maybe I will finish some maybe Christmas gifts. The good thing about it is I am toasty warm in the house, the fire is burning, Christmas music playing,.......I love winter! Even at -35C!

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Yes, winter had finally got here. My friend was in Reno Nevada and Lake Tahoe for the week-end and she was a bit cold. Around 20 degrees she said. Here where we live it only had frost on the shingles. Nothing to worry about. Yes, I will quilt today after I attend church. Every day is a good day to quilt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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People complain when it goes below 50 around here. They have no idea what cold is. I grew up in sunny San Diego, love the cold (maybe -31 is a bit much), my DH grew up in St. Louis and doesn't like the cold one bit. When he retires in May 09 I want to move to colder winters.

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I woke up to a smattering of snow on the ground! Mostly it's just windy around here, but whiteish over the land. Certainly not enough for a snowball, let alone a snowman, but I think that the dogs and I will get out for a walk in it here soon.

Stay warm where ever you are, and keep quilting!

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Originally posted by KerryM

.......I woke this mornng and it is -35C, -31F for the rest of you. Now I don't know about you, but I feel this is darn cold!.....

Yes I would say whether it's Farenheit or Celsius anything in the -30's is c-c-c-cold! For me anything -20 and colder I start to get cranky. And I live in interior Alaska where -20 is common during the winter. What's wrong with me??? ;):D I must be crazy. I guess that's why God created non-stop flights from Alaska to beaches in Mexico and Hawaii. :cool:

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