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What a drive to TOWN LOOKS LIKE

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LOVE the views!:D

wow - looks like you're out there all alone - wish I could say the same. We have so many farmers selling out and subdivisions moving in.......:(

A few years ago they painted the double yellow lines on the road in front of the farm and our DS said well we don't live in the country any more - well he's right!:P

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I think once I got up there I would just stay for the winter. the heck with town, so how many homes are on that road coming down? Are you up there all by yourselves or are there some neighbors along the way. As beautiful as it all is I would have to say it isn't for me nice place to visit but wouldn't want to live there. I am a country girl originally from Vermont too, but just getting too old for the rough life I guess. It sure is beautiful!!

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Oh Tammie, that is just breath taking! I wouldn't have a problem with it, the road looks plenty wide! I'm thinking you are trying to pass an 18 wheeler anyway. I have a story about roads likt this in Colorado. After my Dad died my mother had an invitation from her DS, BIL adn her Mother to go on a road trip with them to Seattle from West Texas. Now West Texas is pretty flat except for the mesa's sticking up here and there. Nothing like the Rockie Mountains in other words! My mother had to do the driving through the mountains with her Mother in the passenger seat commenting over and over, "Looky down there! WAAAAAAAAy down there!". She had to find a place to pull over so her sister could get sick, but Mudder wouldn't stop telling everyone to look, she was just facinated by the views!

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Yes I have neighbors I can see thru all the trees and down the mountain. Driving distance is about a mile I suppose to get to them. I could however on a brave day travel by foot through the trees and on the mountain side and get there quicker. lol

I also have a neighbor down my driveway and across the road a good walking distance. They are never there except on vacations and long weekends. Don't live out here yet.

It is definately 4x4 country. My Van took me down yesterday but it kinda slides around too much. I plan to have my husbands truck next week and will keep it thru the winter unless we find one to purchase for me. We plan to shop for one the week after Christmas.

Yes for the most part I am alone. My neighbors are close and check on me often. They where were once new here too and offer help all the time or advice. The snow is falling and well other than going to walk my dogs and get wood from garage to bring to my interior wood store room. That doesn't bother me at all. Its very quiet. I'm not scared at all. I did have the electricity go out and I couldn't believe how dark it was. Sometimes the Colorado sky has some light to it but on that day it was pitch black. Glad I always have flash light with me when going outside close to dark and I always ready if something sneaks up on me. No big deal. I think the bears are hybernating by now. I sure hope so. lol

Tracey these pics are of the ROAD "Oak Creek Grade". You dont' have to take it to come to my house. You take 67 to 96 and then right at milemarker 11 on 271. Nice dirt roads about 7 miles from 96. The only part that is where you slow down is just the last two miles from my home but still nothing like these pics of my drive to town. I don't come your way when going to Canon City. I prefer the grade to the slippery HIGHWAY. I feel safer on it than 96. I'm told you have to be one step ahead of the snow trucks and it can be really slippery at times. I would rather the dirt road for better traction. Besides I used to be terrified of the drive but have gotten used to it and now love it but I always like it more when I'm the driver. When someone else is driving I get nervous. My husband the DARE Devil just goes too fast for me.

Thanks everyone for nice comments. I am kinda a Pioneer women my friend says but the work is refreshing to me. Guess it is all how you look at it. I'm never bored. It does take up my quilting time but I'm managing it all. For now anyway. lol Seems I'm going to bed earlier these days from nothing more than just being POOPED OUT..... Carring all that wood is hard work and I'm getting better with the axe when getting more kinlen (how do you spell that). It's a wonderful change to my life. I do miss my pretty NAIL jobs. Doesnt' seem to make much sense anymore. I'd just break them. I'm outside more than ever it seems. Instead of pulling daisies I'm hauling large rocks trying to make my yard look nice. So far I'm not doing too good but I'm sure it will sooner or later. lol Lots of work.


Grammie Tammie

Hugs Grammie Tammie

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