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NQR - layoffs prayers please

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Hi all. It was a stressful day at work today. I'm safe but there were 100 - 120 people laid off today at RPI; this amounts to about 6% of our full time staff! It was so scary to not know who would be escorted to "the room" next. I was pretty sure my center staff was safe but never say never! They had guards in our building and in other buildings on campus and HR came to one office after another to get the next person. I'm so sad for most of those that got laid off. Most of my friends were ok but not all. I ask that you pray for all those people and that they make it through this crisis. I also found out that the governor has recommended that our funding be done away with which will mean my center will not get our redesignation in July. I have no idea what the next year brings and we'll be fine but there are so many I work with that will not fair well. Please keep all the people in our nation loosing their jobs!

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Oh Heidi, I totally understand how stressful this is for you. My husband was laid off in August. He is working a 6 week temporary thing right now, hoping it will lead to full time.

I hope the layoffs are temporary and pray that you will not be affected. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family

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Lay off are hard on everyone at the company. I have been at a company that laid off half our office and my husband has been through several at different company. In my case I felt guilty about surviving the lay off when 2 of my co-worker who were pregnant did not. When they did the lay off they sent out emails and had us go to specific rooms. One room was told that they were being laid off and the other was told what was happening in the other room. Still upsets me and it was 7 years ago.

Try to stay positive that things will work out for the people laid off and the survivors. Things will be strange at work for a while. But it will get easier to deal with.

Praying that both groups get the support that they need that that the people that were laid off get new positions quickly!

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Praying continuously! I could use some prayers also. I'm the "get the monry" person at our company/ Our hours have been cut by just an hour a day, but they are closing the day after Christmas and probably New Years also and I'm running out of vacation time to cover it all. I can't afford an unpaid day.

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I know what you are feeling. 3 years ago the company I was working for went through many rounds of lay offs. I remember the stress of watching one by one as they were escourted to do the exit paperwork and escorted back to their desk to remove personal property. I made it through two of the rounds, we were told by upper management there would be no more and a week later there was another big group, I was #21 of this round. By the time they escourted me, it was like a weight was lifted, I had no idea what I was going to do, but I knew I wouldn't have the stress of watching them walk by my cubicle anymore. My boss was more of a basket case than I was, she wanted me to come back another day to pack up my personal stuff. Of course I packed it up, I didn't want to go back again.

Two weeks after I got my walking papers my husband had to go through emergency back surgery. We found out he has a rare disease causing his virtibrae to grow closed. four of his vertibrae in his neck had squeezed his spinal cord to the size of a ribbon. He went through two major surgeries in on Neck and lower back. Surgery was a success and I was thankful to be able to speend the 2 weeks after surgery with him, helping him with rehab so he was able to get out of the hosp. faster - no insurance - bills total >125,000. Me laid off, him laid up, two boys in college and a two year old. Can life get any better?

I went back to college and earned an associate degree in Business Management/Accounting and am 11 credits away for a bachelors in Management.

I was offered a job back at the company that layed me off but thankfully another job came through at the same time- less pay but also less stress.

My thoughts and prayers to all. Remember when one door closes another will open. Think positive

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Heidi, I am so sorry that you are going through this stress. Those poor people, to lose their jobs right before the holidays. That really stinks. My oldest son just applied to RPI, I hope there is someone left to teach him, if he gets in. I tell you I have never seen it like this. A good friend of mine works at a company where everyone was told that the company would be closing for a week in December, the employees would have to take unpaid leave. That one week has now become 3 weeks in Dec. plus another week in Feb. This was on top of laying off some of the employees.

Hang in there.


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I know we're not alone and boy my heart goes out to the people like you who have so much to deal with! I know I'm much better off than many and I'm thankful for that. My heart just goes out to all those people who have been affected by this. It was just heart breaking to watch. Laura one of the girls I work with said that she would probably be relieved if they came up to her early vs watching everybody walk by her office.

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Heidi, I'm so sorry I know you are upset about your workmates. I will pray for them, you and others on this forum. Virginia is 3 billion dollars in the red. The govenor is going to announce 1500 layoffs today, a 30 tax cent increase on tobacco products and cuts in education. There is no real answer for this "recession," makes a person scared and stressed to death.

On another note, are you getting more ice and snow, it's raining down here in the south? Hope you and Bonnie are ok.

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Originally posted by Gator

Heidi, There is no real answer for this "recession," makes a person scared and stressed to death.

On another note, are you getting more ice and snow, it's raining down here in the south? Hope you and Bonnie are ok.


Yes it is a really scary time for all and I know we'll have to make significant cuts in our state to stay afloat and it is clearly looking like my center will loose its funding. Hopefully I'll be able to find something quickly but I know we'll be ok which helps.

We got about 2 - 3" of just snow overnight. No ice! We are clear until Friday and then supposed to get a huge storm that may dump feet! Another on Sunday into Monday again a large storm. I'm going out shopping tomorrow so hopefully hubby will have something under the tree because as of right now I have nothing for him and only a couple for my daughter!

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I know how that feels...been there...it is terrible when they call you up! None of us are safe. I don't think we are doing the volume we expected, since I am low man on the list, I would probably be one of the first to get the boot. They are trying everything they can to keep from doing that....but I will breath easier when warm weather gets here.

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Mary Beth,

Yesterday had nothing to do where you were on the list. There were new hires that were kept on and others were let go. There were so many people that had been there more than 20 years let go. Really sad for them. I thought my staff were safe because we have external funding but I found out that didn't matter either! I'm glad all my staff were on the safe list but none of us feel real safe now with the govenors report and I know all the states will be going through this.

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All those facing unemployment have my prayers. Two years ago I was told I would be laid off mid January. After having gone through several job changes and rounds of layoffs it was a relief to just know. I was lucky though as I hated my job and had already looked into retirement as a means to get away from it. So when everyone else was looking for another job I just said good-by with a smile on my face. Two months later my father fell and went downhill. I was able to spend six of the last eight weeks of his life by his side. If I had been working I couldn't have done that.

The stress of layoffs is just as hard on the ones kept as the ones let go. There have been several articles on how not being laid off when others are affects people. So I pray for those who stay behind too.


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