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Hey Mary Beth

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I am good. It is above zero, but only by one degree:) There is 3" of snow and we could get ice starting tomorrow...we are like right on the line...it could go north...I'm thinking Debbi T, and the APQS gang is going to get it :(

At least we have power and we are able to navigate (just a little GPS humor ;)).

Thank you for asking.

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Mary Beth & All, yes, southern Iowa including Des Moines is suppose to get 1/4 to 1/2 inch of ice on Thursday - yuk! I have a couple of comp days so guess I will be taking one on Thursday. Nothing worse than driving on ice - the snow I can handle but the ice just scares me silly. It was this time last year that we had an ice storm and we were without power for 5 days; please let's not have a repeat of that!!!

Everyone stay safe!


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I kind of miss the snow and ice...I don't miss the driving on it part. But what scares me more is driving here in the Richmond, VA area where they get very little snow and ice and the people here don't know how to drive on it (no offense intended but it is true)...egads...I don't go out on those days! Snowplows, if any, are few and far between...that makes sense because it would be a waste of $$$ for the cities.

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