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Reuse Quilt Patterns

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Quite a while back... and I'm sure he regrets it now... http://www.apqs.com/quiltboard/images/smilies/tongue.gif , my husband commented since there were so many quilt patterns to make, he didn't think he would ever do the same one twice. I sort of agree with him. At least it always sticks in my mind whenever I'm starting a new quilt.

Now that I am quilting my own quilts, I find myself with the same mind set. Instead of re-using the quilt designs I have already purchased, I have to research all the sites to make sure I'm not missing one that would be just perfect for this quilt!

What is your opinion? Do you keep making and quilting the same old favorites.... or are you usually looking for something new?

Just trying to gauge how addictive I really am to getting new stuff.... lol


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I'm always doing something different - maybe still looking for 'the one' that captures my attention. It is just so much fun to work with something different all the time - all those different patterns and oh so many wonderful fabrics.............. I need 2 full lives to do them all and that probably wouldn't be enough time!!

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If we are talking about making our own quilts...I always make a different one. There are so many out there that I want to make, there is not enough fabric in the world to get them all done ;)

If we are talking about quilting quilts. I usually let the quilt do the talking (then I can myself the quilt whisperer :D). Sometimes if I might have 2 quilts in a row scream out for Circle Lord Swirls or "Falling Leaves" then I do it...as long as it is for two different customers.

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I have to confess ... I have some stand bys that I go back to over and over again... especially for gifts.. on that was a project linus pattern that ive used myself 6 or 7 times in a crunch.. When I work with a first time quilter it is the pattern i use every single time.. Ive probably seen it made 30 or more times with 30 or more different fabrics.. it's one of those patterns that looks good and is only a few hours of pieceing and cutting to have the top done.. I can sit down on a sat and have a baby shower gift quilted and out before dinner

I also find myself at times remaking the basic idea and tweaking it to morph it into something new, bigger, smaller, more detail, faster, adapt to a fabric selection, what ever

or i make a pattern for someone else that i love so much i remake it w/ my household in mind..

so yes I re-use patterns quite a bit.. probably in the great minority

but then again i don't usually buy patterns i usually eq5 or graph paper anything i piece

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I always make two of the same quilt. The first one I call my crappy quilt, it is where I workout all the kinks. The second quilt is mine that I keep. I also spend alot of timewaiting for my last child and have made the same applique quilt over and over there just don'tseemto be alot of piced/applique quilt that capture my attention.


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I'm guilty to reusing quilt patterns. There are some that I just love and I love to see how different the same pattern turns out in different fabric. I've done 4 turning twenty again quilts (1 grandmother and 3 neices) and I'm thinking about doing it again. I've also done a turning twenty for my other grandmother and I think that I'll be doing that pattern again. I like to challenge myself, but sometimes I like a quick quilt that will turn out nicely.

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I ALWAYS justify buying new patterns by saying that I WILL make more than one, and I WILL use the same design on others quilts. At least it sounds good!

There are rumors of a new software program to come next spring that will make saving files a breeze for computer quilters. That's when I plan on getting organized. Right now, I just file 'em and hope I don't have to use it again.

I do have a couple of favorites, Kim Diamond's Romantic Roses that I've used several times--different customers--this year. Other than that, they're all custom.

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I tooo hate doing the same pieced quilt pattern again, so when I started designing patterns myself, I made sure that whenever possible, I offered two or more layouts in multiple sizes so you could make the same quilt, but it would never have to be the same...

But quilting designs, I too rely on a few favs, but am always searching for something new. It's harder when you almost exclusively freehand...

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Sandy, I have about 50-75 quilts patterns. I think one can really go overboard collecting different quilt patterns. I use of the same ones over and over. However, w/each customer, I keep a card file and note what quilt and what pattern I used. I don't think I would feel good repeating the same pattern for the same customer unless, of course, it was requested. These patterns are not cheap and I do add to my collection at the Houston Quilt Show but I limit myself to 5. Just food for thought.:o

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I hardly ever make the same quilt twice. Most of the quilts I make anymore are for the challenge of a new technique or process, or challenging ways of color placement. The challenge is gone for me once I have made that pattern. Sometimes if I am making one I know I will give to someone, I make two at the same time if I know I want one too. Otherwise I know I will never get around to making the other one for myself. That being said, I also always keep the patterns. I guess I just can't part with them. Plus when others see my finished product and want to know the pattern I can supply them with that information. Sometimes I become a lending library too, since, alas, I am extremely ill and truly addicted to patterns, ho hum.

I actually had to put all my books and patterns on a spreadsheet so I would quit buying the same one's more than once. Even I was shocked by the numbers. I try to keep a copy of it with me all the time incase a come across something I just have to have. Can't tell you how many duplicates it has saved me.

Truly sick, sick, sick!!!

As far as quilting patterns go, I do freehand and no two are ever alike, even when I would like them to be :(

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I think pantos are much harder than free hand.

I just started doodling to train my brain to go in the right direction. I bought some excellent books and DVD's also. For me, freehanding is the art that my brain requires. Of course, I don't quilt for a living so that probably makes a difference. Although E2E freehanding is much faster than lining up pantos all the time, at least for me.

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And what a question!!

I know quilters who have never had a class and can quilt like a dream. I, on the other hand, have had about a million dollars in classes and still am not great.

Personally, I think talent and artistic ability has a lot to do with it....but there are going to be those who try to dispute that....don't believe them....I'll bet money they can draw a straight line better than I can:D

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I started out freehand. I had to FORCE myself to the back of the machine. I looked at it as doodling all over the quilt! Some of the pantos are so beautiful, they're hard to resist and some are so perfect for a certain quilt. I love to do them when I have had several hard custom jobs. Gives me a break where I don't have to think so much.

As for freehand, just grab the handles and go! I let the quilt talk. Sometimes I don't even have a clue what I'm going to do until I turn on the machine. It seems like magic happens when you let go and start!

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