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Update - Tucker is/was home!!

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The doctors finally let me bring my little guy home - it was a very tough surgery and I have enough pain meds for another 5 days - that's 10 days on pain meds which is a lot for a dog. He is very worn out from the ordeal but happy to be home. The vets were great. Lots of stitches and I have to keep him quiet for the next 2 weeks - that's when the stitches come out........... I am so glad that the simple little surgery which became a very difficult surgery was a success and he is now home. Now, it will just take lots of TLC and time............ He'll get his Christmas bath after Christmas - not until the stitches come out ......... plus I will have to clean up after him - unusual - but he can't control his little "pp" very well right now - I will keep towels under him until things get better - poor little guy............ but I am a happy camper to have him home and I can spend lots of time taking care of him - the Christmas chores are done - just one more quick trip to the grocery store and then I will really be done!:)

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He had kidney stones and one got caught in the urethra. He is only 5 1/2 lbs. so all surgery is very exacting - all his little parts are very small. The docs got the stone back into the bladder so went ahead with the surgery to remove all 3 stones. Unfortunately, the stones kept wanting to return to the urethra making it very difficult to get them out. There were 3 docs working on him and the all said that it became a very difficult and extended surgery. He was supposed to come home the next day - instead 3 days. He had very good care and it will just take some time...... He is here sleeping next to me right now............

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Actually, he has been trained to potty pads - buy them at the pet store. But, because of this type of surgery, his control isn't the best. I am concerned because his urine is pale pink so I know there is some blood in there - may be due to the nature and severity of the surgery - will have to check with the vet. Since they don't use potty pads at the vet, I don't think they would have picked up on this - moms always pick up more than the docs!!!! He did have a good first night at home and has eaten a little but is refusing water - may have to resort to the dropper and force some water - will wait awhile and see how the morning goes - sometimes I think I should have been a nurse - between dogs and my daughter have done way more nursing that most people I know .......... oh well - at least not much fazes me .........

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Meg call the vet right away...ask weekend people what they think about the pink Urine...there may be a bleeder that they didn't get all the way closed and you shouldn't wait till tomorrow. I don't mean to scare you, but its better to bug them now than to wait and find out the damage is to far gone.....

Glad to hear that Tuck is home, and let us know what the vets said.

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Well - did talk to the vet - yes the pinkish urine is normal for a few more days - I had figured that 4 days would be all, but guess this will take awhile. Did go over and get some additional pain meds - they sent me home with an anti-inflammatory - isn't enough. He keeps shaking and I think it is pain, so now he also had some true pain med. Hopefully he settles soon and gets some rest which he really needs right now. He is my little buddy. Thanks for all your kind words and good wishes. Warm hugs to Abby May - SOOOO CUTE! It looks like these 2 are about the same size! Little bodies, Big hearts!!!

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He was home - but I really had to take him back last night. He was refusing water and food & it is difficult to force enough water for proper hydration. Anyway they put him on an IV and gave an injection for pain - maybe today will be better - Just feel so sorry for the little guy - was a tough surgery. He has lost 1/2 lb. and he started at 5 1/2 - he better not loose anymore - I have to fatten him up!!!

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I'm so sorry about your little friend. We had to take care of my MIL's schnauzer when it went through a tough time. We live 45 minutes away, and for three or four days, I was traveling back and forth from her house to the vet--another 30 minutes. The issue was finally resolved and now she has another schnauzer. MIL is 84 years old and is happy to have a warm little body to sit in her lap. "Wilson" is a younger pup but tolerates the love she gives him.

I feel for you and what you're going through. Those critters pull our heart strings.

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Hey Meg - Try changing Tucker's diet to an all natural food without any ash which some manufacturers add for a filler. Ash causes stones to form in older pets. Canidea is an all-natural brand and above is the web site for ordering by mail. Perhaps you can find a local supplier. You might find another brand too, so just read all the labels. Also stay away from corn meal as it is highly abrasive and difficult to digest. Science Diet that some vets carry isn't good for sensitive pets. You can always cook your own pet food and I'm sure there are suggestions on the web. Hope Tucker rallies soon.


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Thanks for all the input on diet - the vet and I have worked together over the years with his diet - he has always had a sensitive tummy. They have sent the stones into UCLA for analysis and from that we can make the best determination for his diet. He was on a low residue, no ash, very pure food before - now, until we get the results, he is on a food high in brown rice and chicken - also low residue. My vet is very sensitive to the issue of diet - especially with these little guys. He won't be home tonight but we are hoping tomorrow. The vet thinks he may have an infection that the antibiotic he is on is not taking care of. Will do a urine culture today - had the xrays last night. So, will go visit him later & I am glad he is on IV fluids until we can figure out what is going on.

The second issue in my life - my DH almost didn't make it out of Seattle for xmas - well, he is not out yet! The airport ran out of deicer and all flights had been canceled. Luckily they got some deicer and a few flights will be going out today - He and the guy he is traveling with did get a flight to San Diego (luckily they are both gold members with Alaska Air) and they will drive over from there very late tonight - that is as long as Sea-Tac stays open. I may get everyone here after all.

So for those of you in the PNW - stay warm & I do hope travel plans for you &/or your loved ones are successful. It has been horrid this year!!!

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