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NQR Update on DD's movers and surgery

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First thank you all again for your prayers, support and suggestions this is the versy best of networking that I know of. :)

My DD had her surgery Fri. and all went well, the Dr. was pleased with the outcome. :cool:

The movers, after 16 days of phone calls and tall tales finally showed up today, yup on a Sunday! It was 27' and icy but we were all there to check things out. Many of the boxes had been opened and things taken. Even her snowbaord, which was quite noticible, was gone. Furniture was destroyed or damaged. What a mess, yes it's just stuff and thankfully all the people involved are ok. It's still aggravating.

I am just so glad the wondering is over so now we can just relax and celebrate Christmas together. To quote Tiny Tim, "God bless us, everyone!"

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The company with the original contract that you signed should be the one responsible for all the distruction & missing items. I would make an itemized list and submit it to them. Yes it's just stuff, but it wouldn't hurt to try & get reimbursed for it. JMHO :cool:

I'm really glad to hear the your DD's surgery went well and that you will all be together for Christmas. That is way more important than the stuff. Have a blessed Christmas. :cool:

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Thanks Sandy, I will download a pic of her armoire, it's destroyed. Since it's a laminate over particle board it's not covered. That is in the papers they made her sign at the last minute after they had all of her belongings on the truck. All of our moves we've never had anything like this happen! I'm just glad that she is here, had her surgery and starts her new job tomorrow!

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Miracles happen every day.. so glad the surgery went well, prayers for an easy uneventful recovery, and give her a hug for every piece that is missing or damaged.. Maybe the BBB would be interested, too!.

Most Blessed and Holy Christmas to you,


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I'm so sorry your daughters belongings were ransacked and damaged, but I' relly glad her surgery went well and she has a new job to go to! She has a new life ahead of her, off with the old and on with the new! It took me months to stop hiding everytime the doorbell rang, on someone walked past my closed bedroom door at night. She'll make it, and be stronger for it!

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I'm glad your daughter's things were returned, I'm just sorry the mess happened to her. You would think she has been through enough already! I would find a way to turn that company in to someone. They need to be put out of business.

These are the things that make us stronger.

I hope your daughter's recovery is a speedy one, and she can somehow enjoy this holiday season.

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I am sorry for all the problems but glad the surgery went well. In all of my moves, 8 of them total and not with all the same company, I have always been told that particle board furniture is not covered, so you may not have much chance on that one, but the rest of the items...yes...that is why there is insurance.

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I'm glad your DD's surgery went well and you are so right about the pocessions, they are just things. I understand the frustrations though. We moved for over 22 years in the military and it was very upsetting to get our things broken and damaged because somebody just didn't take time to care for it properly! Here's a funny for you though. We had moved from Quantico to Cherry Point and I'm pretty good at keeping things orgainzed so that when we move I can just put things right back where they belong. Well the mover that packed my sons room was absolutely worthless and Lord only knows what he did for the 2 days he was supposed to be packing my son's room. There really wasn't that much in there. Anyway all my Christmas stuff was in my son's closet and he had to repack for moving. We got everthing to the new house and all the boxes marked Christmas were put in their new storage area. Well the first Christmas there we unpacked everything and could not find my tree skirt. I was not a happy camper and sure the man had taken it. We moved again, for the last time, and were unpacking boxes. There was a box in hubby's stuff that he had not even unpacked from the last move (lets not get on that topic) anywho the 2nd Christmas here hubby comes up and says, "Look what I found. I guess that man didn't steal your tree skirt after all." LOL all those years I really thought that man had taken it!

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MB we are reporting them to several places including the BBB and the gov. unit that is trying to crack down on rogue movers. They actually have a task force for just that.

We know the armoire is a loss, you should see how bad it is. :mad:

In all of our moves the first one was the only one where I had things stolen and it was the packers. DH's Grandmom had given me a Royal Albert tea set, the packers knew we weren't going to be opening all of our boxes at the new place in KS so they must've packed in right into their truck! I was so upset when I found it gone! :(

DD is feeling quite well physically the stress has got her down but we are trying to fix her up, she started her new job today, I hope that it's all that she wants and work can be a happy place for her! :)

Merry Christmas to all and thank you again!

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