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Ideas needed for a customer quilt please

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We have this quilt from a new customer (only our 4th) she is also a new quilter and was really not specific to design only that she liked the purple thread (varigated) my sister and I are kinda stumped. She wants the price for an edge to edge :D but i just can't figure out what would look nice on this with an edge to edge. If any of you have some ideas we would be so greatful!!

PS: this is my first try with posting a picture. Hope is works!!


Twin Stitchin


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Hi Tracie, congratualtions on your new customer! If she wants an edge to edge or a panto I would do somthing swirly to soften all the sharp points. The quilt is busy enough that the quilting is not going to be the 'star'.

Take a paper copy of your photo and draw on it with a pencil to try out designs or use paint on your computer if you have that. A piece of clear acrylic with tape along the edges and a wet erase marker is also a good way to try out designs without stitching them. Mostly relax stand back and look at it and trust your judgement! Have fun!

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I have the least experience so would not offer a suggestion. I haven't even had a 1st customer yet!:P I agree that it is really a busy quilt so your fine quilting would not show off as well as you might like.

Anyway, how did you insert that picture in your message? I looked at the properties & it doesn't look like you used webshots.

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Eula...when you insert a photo without webshot you first post the photo in your paint program, skew it down to size and save it as a new file...then insert using the browse button at the bottom....only disavantage of this way is that you only can insert one photo at a time.

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I like Shana's idea of softening the lines with a circular panto.

I do love the nested stars, though.

I don't know if you are comfortable on the front of the machine, but you might consider:

--Continuous curve the star points inside the color fabric (not in the white). Do this on both inside and

outside stars.

--Put a simple motif like a pumpkin seed cross in the joining white areas taking advantage of the

fact that it is continuous and will bring you back where you started. In other words, minimize

your stops and starts.

-- Quilt a medium stipple in the sashing areas between the inside of the star points. Use the

stipple as traveling lines to the next area you need to quilt; again to minimize stops and starts. I

really think that the stipple will help POP those stars.

And now since you have shown us that you know how to post a photo, don't forget

to give us a photo of the finished product.;)


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Thank you all for your comments!! We so appreciate it. When the customer was here we pooled some thread out onto the quilt to help her decide which thread she would like us to use and she did pick the purple she thought the nutral would show up too much in the purple areas. So do you ever change the thread color once the customer picks it? Should we call her and tell her that we think the nutral thread would look better? Also, when a customer wants to pay for an edge to edge but you think it would look better with something a little more custom how do you approach that? ;)

Eula, I opend my picture up in Microsoft Office Picture Manager and then clicked "edit picture" and it gave me the option to resize, when I clicked resize it gave me a few different options, one was for sizeing it for the web so i clicked that and whala, wierd, things usually do not work out for me that easily.

Thank you again all of you for you input, it sure does help!!!


Twin Stitchin (Idaho, burrrrrr, lots of snow and cold)

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I agree with Shanna, the "Feeling Groovy" is excellent for this quilt. Something with some good swirls and curves. I would definitely do a neutral thread - I think the purple varigated would just mush things together too much. I personally would not do anything more than a panto, your beautiful quilting would get lost in this quilt.

Have fun with it!


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It seems a shame to go ETE on something this detailed and pretty because I don't think that any ETE would enhance the design. You might try laying your selected panto in a tracing over the design and audition it.

Spaces between our stitching tend to show up as shapes, and they will be very noticable on these relatively plain fabrics. I'm with Linda on this one. Try a layout of a custom design and see if it makes a noticable difference.

If the stars had been made from floral or highly printed fabric then you could have probably done ETE. However, you have plain fabrics that will show all your stitches and even more your spaces between rows of stitching. I'd call the client back and tell her these things if you can't find a panto that enhances the design. As you have more experience you can just take your client by the reins and tell her with confidence what would be best.

Good luck.

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I have a customer who is in love with a butterfly 'panto' (computer) that I have. She had me use in on a Cinderella quilt for her grandaughters and it was great. Then she had a quilt much like the one that you pictured. She wanted the butterflies used on that as well. I just couldn't see it, but she was insistent. And she just wanted edge to edge. She is also a good friend of mine. So I did the butterflies. Well, she showed it at the last guild meeting and Wow, everyone loved the butterflies on this quilt. The thread was a varigated, didn't show a lot, but just enough so you could see the texture and design. It softened the stars and I gained 2 new customers because of this quilt. So I usually do what the customer wants unless it is glaringly obvious that an edge to edge or a certain type of thread really will detract from the quilt.

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All good advice, and well said Sheila.

Personally, I agree that custom would be more fitting for this quilt, but when they want to pay for an E2E, that is what they should get..... some quilts just cry out "Don't Do IT!!!"

I really like what Linda drew-up, she has such great ideas.

Good Luck!

p.s. It's cold here too - and more snow is a comin'!!! Yes - Santa - we WILL have a white Christmas!! I Love it!!

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I'm new, too, and I like this panto "Winding Plume," which I have used several times already.

If you pulled out threads, and the customer saw them on the quilt, I think you need to go with what she chose. Keep in mind that she's so new that she knows practically nothing at this point, but your job is to make her happy now with this early quilt. That's the most important part. Later on when she knows more she may think "I should have asked for different thread." But she's not experienced enough to make an educated choice now, so I think you should do what she asked for. If she's new and unsure of herself, she may (or may not) interpret your thread suggestions as criticism. You never know how someone is going to react to suggestions.

On the other hand, because she's new, she may appreciate the suggestions of an experienced quilter regarding the thread. I think you do need to be careful about giving the appearance of trying to sell a higher-priced service. That could really turn her off. Custom quilting is always nicer than a panto, but for a first or second quilt, unless she's rich, custom quilting would be pretty much out of the question for most people.

So there - opposite ideas to think about. I guess it depends a lot on your ability to read the customer . . .

Well, I couldn't get link to work today, but if you start with kerynemmerson.com you can do a search for Winding Plume.


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All you girls are so far ahead of me. I am a panto girl and my customers are delighted w/the results. I have no customers that would want me to do custom work because of the price. Maybe I just haven't run into this "quality" customer. I agree that customer swirls would soften the edges somewhat but if a customer picks a pattern and wants E2E, I don't argue. If they don't know what they want (98% of the time), I let the quilt hang for a day or so and I choose myself. Never have I had bad results. And I get repeat customers. Again, I do keep a card file so that I don't repeat the same pattern for the same customer unless requested. But I love both the patterns posted. I am going to look for these. I think they could be good repeats.:)

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okay, so i have had this hanging all day and I even did, as some of you suggested, and made a copy of the quilt and used plastic and wipe off marker and came up with a nice design. I think, what I came up with, would actually be really nice but would take a lot more time. PLUS, okay, here goes, I'm not super confident on the front of the machine yet :( . So I have all of these issues going on in my brain. Part of me really would like to do this as a custom, but I lack the experience to call her and change the original decisions with confidence. I do have a panto I think would be nice and close to what you all have shown here, it's from Golden Threads and it's called Featheration it's 13" (one of you might have suggested that one) . Thank you all so much for your adivce, I really really appreciate it!!!


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All my thread is From Superior Thread, king Tut, Bottom line, and So Fine, without tracking through the snow out to the studio I believe the purple i have is King Tut varigated. I hope you all you have a wonderfully blessed Christmas. Enjoy the snow, it looks as though most of us have it with abundance :D good thing we snowboard!! Lots of powdery snow is easier on mom :P


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