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NQR - This Was Taken on the SHORTEST Day of the Year, Dec. 21, 2008

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OK kiddos,,,,

I took this photo on Sunday, December 21, out of my bedroom window. You see the window screen but oh well... I framed it with the snow dropping off the eave of my roof and some ice crystals forming on the window so it's kinda "cool" looking (pun intended) :cool:

But, I took a photo of our bright and pretty sun. See it?? It's lingering just above the horizon. That's our arctic sun in the winter as it was setting; especially during the solstice. It doesn't rise very high. But it sits out there for about 4 hours and then sets again. On the shortest day of the year, interior Alaska had just shy of 4 hours sunlight.

Now, December 22, our days are getting longer again. In fact, we gained about 40 seconds of sunlight from yesterday! LOL

Merry Christmas to all my quilty friends. I love you all so much.



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That's amazing! I love your framing, and the screen adds a nice touch. I'm sure you'd laugh at us, but it feels like Alaska to me. We've got about 12" of snow here, and shoveling the walkway was no fun. No I understand why people would need snowblowers. Let's get back to Oregon winters please with rain, and only occasional white stuff. However, chains are on the car in case we need it, but we're just staying hunkered down.

Where ever you are, stay warm, stay safe and enjoy this lovely time.

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Shana that photo is simply glorious.. I love looking at scenes like that, and enjoying it from a warm abode, not out in the chill..

thank you for Sharing, Merry Christmas and Happy New year to you and yours as well as all others.

Stay warm, safe, happy and healthy.. ((((Happy Hugs)))) to all,


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I was in Denali for the summer solstice but it rained the whole time. I'm glad to see that you do get sun all year. I think I get a bit SAD this time of year, but now that we're through the hump, I'm glad. Or I will be when we get a good sunny day.

I worry more about the dogs getting good walk and me not having to go out late in the afternoon/evening. Being from Houston, I just don't understand the Holiday Parade, too freaking cold.

FYI, my son and I went shopping today, Yankee Candle. We bought a variety of Car Stinker-Uppers. We hung Sun and Sand, IT SMELLS LIKE SUNTAN LOTION. Didn't last long, I don't like THAR smell in the summer. Oh well!



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Nice photo...and we too feel like what I would expect Alaska to feel...or at least your area. We have about 18 inches on the ground, today its going to get warm compared to yesterday and tomorrow we have a Chinook coming in and will be in the low 40's and rain....just what I need now a flood.... Everything else that could go wrong has so best get the wadders out and be prepared.:P:P

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BEEEEEAUUUUUUTIFUL! Love it. Tell the big, round guy hello from rainy Arizona (not supposed to be rainy!). My daughter (9 years old) still believes (don't we all?) and wants to know if you are neighbors, being both at the North Pole and all. hahahahahaa.

Take care and maybe you can quilt with Mrs. Claus sometime.

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Yes! Santa has his place just down the road from me about 5 miles away. Reindeer and everything. :) I'll be sure to tell him hello and that you've all been good this year so hopefully your stockings will be filled with something quilty-related.

Even during this time of year, with the little amount of daylight where I live in the interior, the winds are always calm, the sun in the sky is usually bright and blue with little to no clouds; so we do get our sunshine fix, even if it's just a short amount. If I had to describe and sum up in one word where I live in interior AK have to say the word "serene" would do it!

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This is a beautiful photo and the screen adds a special touch. My DH and I have read a book by an Iowan named Proenneke who built a cabin in Alaska in the 50's and lives in it well into his 80's. The book is about his first winter in Alaska...54 below and 38 inches of ice on the lake....if you get a chance to read it since you are from Alaska you might enjoy it. I can get the name of it if you like.

Have a very Merry Christmas Everyone.


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OK Yes Sharon I would love to read it. :)

Originally posted by qolfquiltbuddy

I spent a year on Adak (a lifetime ago) so spent a few days in Anchorage one Dec and couldn't believe it. The daylight is so little that by 6 pm it felt like midnight. But the beauty of the scenery makes it worth it.

Judy, isn't Anchorage a spectacular place??? So pretty there (when it's not cloudy and the sun and mountains are sticking out.)

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