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How many still working on gifts?

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I still have a large lap quilt on the frame for my son and his wife. They won't be coming until after Christmas, so I at least have a couple of extra days!! But I found out today that my big family Christmas is going to be here at my house, so tomorrow, I will be getting the house ready. Not too much to do, but I don't know if I'll get any quilting done! :) Oh yeah, I have a few embroidery things to do for my grandbabies too...!!!! I forgot about that!!! I need to go to bed so I can get LOTS of things done tomorrow!! :) linda Merry! Merry!!

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I made two queen size quilts for sons that now have the binding on them. I still have to do the labels. I also need to finish the pillow cases (4 each) to match their quilts. One needs to be done for Christmas Day, but the other one should have been in the mail to travel from Philadelphia to Los Alamos. On Christmas I will e-mail them a picture of the quilt that will be mailed next week. They'll understand and be happy when it finally arrives. I hope I remember to take the pictures of these quilts before I wrap them.

I have gifts to make or buy for my brother, SIL and 2 neices, but I won't see them until 1/3, so I have lots of time. LOL I can't decide on what to get/make for them. It is very difficult to find something they don't already have 6 of.

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just finished my last customer quilt tonight at 8. I have two quilts i'm giving as gifts this year that are still not done. One I will load tomorrow and try to get done for xmas evening. The other will get wrapped and put in a box with a note to try on the bed and see if it's big enough before quilting.... good excuse not to do,,, right. I still have shopping to do, and haven't made the nut rolls yet. yikes, it's crunch time. Merry Christmas to everyone!

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Gifts all done, wrapped, and mailed ........... plus I finally got the Christmas cards out yesterday.

Everyone has gone to bed and I have finally started to cook - our big meal is tomorrow. Plus I finally get to bring Tucker home early tomorrow afternoon. It will be a busy day tomorrow, but knowing that Tucker will need extra care, I have made a special effort to get organized and ready.

Good luck to all of you with projects still to finish. Merry Christmas.

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Spent all day cleaning house, my 17 year old daughter was a big help, and I have all the gifts wrapped. Even managed to bake an appe pie tonight. So all there is left to do tomorrow is to bake a chocolate cake (from scratch) which is Jesus' birthday cake, a tradition we started shortly after my middle child was able to talk and asked if Christmas is Jesus' birthday why doesn't he have a birthday cake? Well needless to say from that year on we have always baked Jesus a special birthday cake ( I always bake a chocolate cake from scratch for all of our birthadays except for my DS who prefers a lemon cake).

Anyways all is done except the cake but I don't have people comming over until 6:00 pm tomorrow so I can bake it in the morning. I plan on doing some of my own quilt projects the week between Christmas & New Years...can't wait!!!:)

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Well, it's 1 AM. but I have all 4 table runners quilted, bound and in their gift bags. No labels cause they are reversable. No piecing in them, just some Christmas fabric with a winter design quilted on them. With only 2 days notice, I think it worked out quite well. Merry Christmas every one.:cool: Is it spring yet???

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Wow, you all sound like a bunch of elves....

I worked on customer quilts until Sunday. All the while telling myself this will not happen next year!!

Still some shopping left to do...note to self...don't leave DH in charge of Christmas shopping ever again.

Also, DH said, "Let's don't do a bunch of sweets this year. We don't need them." Then he found out that I am off on Christmas Eve and he wanted to know if I was planning to bake a few things today!

By the way...it is 3 am, I can't sleep, and it is snowing!!! It's a White Christmas!! Do you know how long it has been since we have had a white Christmas!!

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Wow you guys I guess I should have stayed up last night! I just got into work and will work to around 1 or so. I need to run to JoAnn's and get some thread quick if I have time and then go to moms to do her hair :mad::mad::mad:! I so wish she could do it herself cause I really don't know how many more times I can hear that I'm not doing it right without pulling out the clippers :P:P:P! Everyday has been miserable we end up in an arguement and I leave, really puts one in the holiday spirit! The other morning I called and said, "What cha doing?" She went off on me. That tells me she was busy doing things she wasn't supposed to do. I really don't think my patience with her will last until Jan. 14th! I just want to have a sweet little old lady to deal with.

I've still got to do all my wrapping too! It will be a late night I'm sure.

JoAnn thank you for the reminder about the apple pie...must add that to my list! Maybe I'll just bake it in the morning.

Sandra thank you for the reminder on the pillow cases have two of those to do too!

I think I'll just wrap everything as is and tell them that I'll work on it in the New Year!

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I have a top to quilt for my nephew, and a top to piece and quilt for my niece. But these won't go into the mail until after Christmas. Had planned to drive up there and deliver them but nobody's work schedules will allow them to go with me and I'm not driving that far (1000 miles) by myself over the mountains. I told my mother I will mail Christmas gifts after Christmas and plan to drive up for a visit in the spring.

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Heidi, still have the wrapping to do here, we are supposed to go to my sisters tom. for dinner and my youngest DS(20) has been up since three, sick in the bathroom. My DS has breast cancer and is planning her surgery so we may not be going so not to bring the germs to them. It's going to be a late one here too! The ice is now wet from the rain and I imagine by tonight it will all be frozen over again, the poor dogs are having such a hard time.

MB a white Christmas, aren't you lucky! out white is ice and rain, not pretty!

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I had things pretty well under control until I went to the grocery to get stuff for our appetizer evening with the kids tonight and got home to a totally trashed kitchen where the dog (usually outside in big doghouse but I felt sorry for her in 0 degree weather) had a hayday. She took a chicken carcus out of the trash and tore it up all over the floor as well as all the trash that was on top of that. It looked like the Griswald's Christmas when Snots got in their trash.

By the time that was cleaned up, I just wasn't in the Christmas spirit. So today I make a cloak before kids come at 6:00.

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Originally posted by victoriasews

I had things pretty well under control until I went to the grocery to get stuff for our appetizer evening with the kids tonight and got home to a totally trashed kitchen where the dog (usually outside in big doghouse but I felt sorry for her in 0 degree weather) had a hayday. She took a chicken carcus out of the trash and tore it up all over the floor as well as all the trash that was on top of that. It looked like the Griswald's Christmas when Snots got in their trash.

By the time that was cleaned up, I just wasn't in the Christmas spirit. So today I make a cloak before kids come at 6:00.

So sorry you had a mess to clean up but the Griswald's Christmas just brough laughter to me! Is the dog back in the doghouse?

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Working til noon today, then picking up prescriptions, sodas for tomorrow's dinner at SIL, have to make 3 kinds of fudge when I get home for dessert at my Sister's Saturday, finish the binding and label for Leah's little quilt (her big one is on the machine, but it's not for Christmas this year). And I need to wrap 3 more pieces of stained glass.

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I finally got to sleep at about 3:00 AM...tossing & turning (must have been those darn sugar plums dancing in my head!, LOL). Was woken up at 6:30 AM by one of my twins coughing..just a cold she has had for a few days...gave her some cough syrup and she is sleeping soundly but I couldn't get back to sleep. So decided to bake that cake...it's now in the oven.

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Well...I've been up since 3 am...must have been the same sugar plums...those things were busy last night! :D

Was at Wal-Mart at 5:30, Kohl's at 6:30, JCPenny at 7:00 then on to Sam's Club. Back home and trying to get into the cookie spirit...I'm stuggling :D DH is working and I have one batch of peanut butter balls chilling in the fridge...it is 11 o'clock...and I'm ready for a nap :D

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I am with all of you in spirit, virus', colds, sugarplums, ice, rain and snow I know the one true thing about Christmas, no matter how much we 'think' we HAVE to do Christmas will be here with or without it all getting done. So my quilting friends, take a deep breath, take that nap and just relax for a bit, the world's not going to end if we (and so many other women in the world) don't get it all done!

Victoria did you break out the Jack Daniels like Clark did???? :o:):D

God bless and Merry Christmas!

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I have the binding on one table runner left to hand finish....some tea towels to embroider, 4 tomato placemats to finish and 4 hand towels to embroider...the frame to finish on a acid etching mirror to finish and then we are done...

The mirror and tea towels need to be done by Sunday...the rest will get mailed next week. The 7 days without electricity sure put a damper on daily planning.....but didn't do bad...just finished up the shopping and thing we are all set for dinner tomorrow...if not OH WELL,,,,,

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LOL I got a gift of Bailey's so I stopped at the store and got whipped cream and my daughter and I are going to have some Irish coffee tonight when we are relaxing! I got her to do all my wrapping for me and she'll run the vacuum too. Just got most of the house cleaned up, at least as much as it is going to get and off to do some embroidery and quilting. Oh yeah and daughter said she'd make th apple pie too! It is great having her home again!

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