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Merry Christmas everybody!

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Hi everybody,

We are past noon on Christmas Eve here in Germany already. All the preparations are history as far as I am concerned and now I'm off to enjoying the rest of the afternoon before the big family celebrations begin!

I'd like to wish each and everyone of you anywhere around the globe blessed, peaceful and quiet Christmas holidays! I truly hope that those of you suffering from the extreme snowfalls and all the side effects will be able to enjoy the holidays in a warm and cosy place together with family and/or friends.

May the year 2009 be a successful and healthy one for everybody and bring more positive than negative events.

I for my part am looking forward to finally meeting as many of you as possible when coming to MQS (and I've added a short stop at HMQS 2009 the weekend before to my itinerary).

Take care everybody.



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I too would like to wish everybody a Merry Christmas. It is a time to be thankful for what we have and enjoy our friends and family!

Birgit - enjoy the rest of the day! I remember spending Christmas in Germany and I know that Christmas Eve is more a celebration than Christmas Day. In our house we do everything Christmas morning. My mom still doesn't like that!

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Merry Christmas and God's Blessings to each and everyone of you. Half day at office today and we're eating our way to lunch then closing. Drove to work on snowy roads but it is so beautiful to have a white Christmas. Today is my father-in-law's birthday and he is 85. We are so blessed to be spending the holiday with both parents. Tonight is church services and then the two of us have a traditional shrimp chowder soup and open our gifts to each other and then a walk in the snow. These are memories we cherish.

God Bless to everyone around the world


The Country Stitcher

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May we all remember the birth of the baby that changed so many lives and brought blessings to us all. Merry Christmas.

These windows and more on three walls form a spectacular chapel with a very tiny staircase for access the monks used. Chapel is on the island across the way from Notre Dam in Paris. It's a wonderful sight to behold. There are stories from the Bible depicted in all these panes.



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Just like to add my Merry Christmas to the rest. I will be celebrating by going to church tonight for our Christmas Eve services. My ds and ddil have invited me their house tonight, but it is snowing again to add to the 20" already on the ground so don't know if I be going there or not. They aren't so big on plowing here so the streets are awful to drive on. In defense of the roads department, we don't get snow, much less this much snow, often enough to justify the expense of a lot of plows.

Have a safe and blessed Christmas.

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