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cross tubes

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are the cross tubes supposed make the lexan heave upward?. At each cross tube I can rock my long level side to side. When I get to these areas it is really hard to stitch. More so as I bring the machine toward me from the freehand side of my machine. Any siggestions?.

Thanks a bunch.


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Hi! Mine does the same, but it's because the lexen is so floppy. Makes it extremely difficult to use my circle lord long templates, I have to hold the stylus down and go really slowly because they sag by almost an inch between the round tubes, VERY annoying! I am going to get some sheet metal and replace the lexen.


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My lexan doesn't sag at all and I even use the back as a big light box. Do you have a 14' table? Mine is 14' and I have trusses in the middle. When I refer to a sag it is the long metal beams the machine rides on that will sag in the middle and that is the purpose of the trusses. I don't have a circle lord so I'm not familiar with how that would affect me noticing a sag.

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LOWER THOSE PUPPIES! I lowered them lower than what the book said, and my

machine is now like gliding thru butter!!!! My table is NOT perfectly level in the middle. When it was, I was having the same experiences you are. I lowered the center to allow the machine to glide over like it's supposed to, and wa la! You WONT be sorry!

Just dont let yourmachine "set" still in the middle of your table for long periods of time.

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Sheri, on the trusses there is a long bolt that runs up and down that you can adjust. Under that bolt there is a nut then a black square bar that runs the length of the table. Then the black bar that runs from the front to the back a washer and another bolt. The problem is the bolt above the truss it won't let the table lower. I won't be able to get that nut out without taking my table completely apart.


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When I was experiencing some drag on my Millie, Amy had me loosen each cross bar - double ck for level & smoothness of the head moving across/over each cross bar. In the end, I had tightened the screws of each cross bar too much. The adjustment of loosening all the crossbars and turning some, really made all the difference. Not only is the machine level, but also runs smoother!!!!

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