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paper piecing using embroidery machine

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Isn't your embroidery machine also a dsm? I just take my embroidery attachment off and use my machine as a regular sewing machine. What kind of machine do you have?

Paper piecing is just using a straight stitch - make it fairly small - like 14 spi and you will be able to remove the paper fairly easily. You shouldn't have any problems.

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If what you are talking about looks like paper piecing its really not. I use to teach a class where they would program the embroidery software to do a design that looked like paper piecing. You would hoop your item that you wanted to put it on...and lay the first piece down or maybe the first two pieces down...let the embroidery satin stitch around that portion and then lay the next one down and it would satin stitch around that next piece until you were done. I would teach a snow man with top hat and then a couple of flowers where you would do the petels and then lay the center down...it looked like paper piecing but it wasn't.

It more of an applique than paper piecing.


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I have seen these piecing designs but haven't tried them. Bonnie they look just like paper piecing not applique. I just ran across some this weekend but I can't remember which site I saw them on. I'll look around and see if I can find them again. I thought it looked like a lot of hoop on, hoop off and wasn't sure that it would be worth the trouble!

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I've done them and they are Fab! They are so fun to do once you get the hang of how they work. It is essentially a flip and stitch thing. It will first stitch out an outline, where it shows you where to lay the fabric, then it stitches it,,, flip or iron down, it will continue this til the whole block is done. The ones I did had some decorative stitches over the whole thing when done. They are perfectly pieced and make you look like a wonderful piecer.

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Sue you and me both....I have done the one like the fan, but NOTHING like the rest.....wow...this is very pretty, and interesting...., but I wonder if it would be more trouble than a regular piece of paper piecing.....the putting on and trimming and then putting the hoop back on... hmmmmmmmmmmmm

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Guys, I have a Brother 2003D embroidery so you can tell it is getting aged although not used that much. Are the newer models totally out there in price. You know you can't get a price on the phone anymore you have to go to the store. That means if you are just in the thinking mode you are left out. I certainly don't want to get a sales pitch if I don't intend to buy now. I figure, however, if the software is in the proper format I can use it, huh?

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Originally posted by Dib

Guys, I have a Brother 2003D embroidery so you can tell it is getting aged although not used that much. Are the newer models totally out there in price. You know you can't get a price on the phone anymore you have to go to the store. That means if you are just in the thinking mode you are left out. I certainly don't want to get a sales pitch if I don't intend to buy now. I figure, however, if the software is in the proper format I can use it, huh?

Dib you should be able to use the software as long as you machine is support the format and size. I have software and I can resize mine. I wasn't going to get an embroidery machine because I don't use it as much as I should but hubby told me to do it so who am I to argue! I wanted a Viking because I wanted the pressure sensor system they have and boy I just love it. I had a 1+ that was 12 years old and I used it to death, although it still lives it was an aging computerized machine and I was afraid I would start having problems. My embroidery space is much bigger now which was the biggest reason I didn't use my embroidery machine before. I hate to rehoop!

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We have a Viking dealer here in town. I hear they are fine pieces of equipment. So far I only use Brother and Janome but one day I plan to test drive a Husky/Viking. I don't plan on even testing a Bernina as they will always remain out of my price range. They sure make beautiful stitches, don't they. It is so nice to live during a time when we have such wonderful choices of equipment. My granny had her treadle and made beautiful things. Imagine if she had had what we have today!

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Darn, I'm stuck here at work until 1530, I want to go home and try the sample block. Isn't it funny what gets us excited!!! I am totally addicted to this trade!! I wanted to learn how to paper piece so I started out small (as usual), so I picked the Civil War Diaries quilt. 1 year and 121 blocks later I've come to the conclusion that I now know how to paper piece. Now all I have to do is quilt it (SID). I'd post a pic if I could figure out how.

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OK, since I am a sucker for new stuff and gadgets, after work yesterday I tried this method. It takes a lot longer to do paper piece using the embroidery machine then doing it the old way with paper and a regular machine. They have the satin stitch method like Bonnie was talking about but you can also get regular paper piece patterns. I can't see any advantage to doing it "in the hoop" but that's my opinion.

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I thought that might be the case. I'll probably try the free download and see if I like it any better than regular paper piecing. I don't like to paper piece anyway so I guess I won't be broken hearted if I don't like it. I do have a very large hoop that would allow me to load multiple designs without re-hooping. I wonder if that would make it quicker. Is it just all the starts and stopping that make it take so long?

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Funny, I downloaded the design and was going to just give it a go and saw all the thread changes, I assume that is how they trick the machine to start and stop, any way I decided that didn't look like fun at all and went on to piecing other blocks I had to do. I may still give it a go just to say I did it but it sure didn't look fun to me. I like to push the button and then go quilt while it is doing the walking. Maybe the next time my BIL comes to visit I'll sit him down and let him play with it! LOL he couldn't stop watching the machine work.

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