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NQR prayers for Rita R

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I got the email too. I wish I were closer to go visit. She told me on Sunday that she had a really bad ear infection and it sounded like it was spreading into her throat. She told me she was heading to the doctors Monday and that was when she ended up in the hospital. I sure hope she heals quickly. If you go visit give her a hug for me.

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I will give her a hug! I have to go back to the 9 to 5 job (more like the 8 to 6 job) on Friday so maybe I can sneak down there on Sunday.

I haven't had my weekly dinner fix with Rita and Roland. Rita and I talk about the "boys" and the "boys" pretend like they are doing something really important on the Milli or Lenni. Of course, I get my hugs from Roland and Rita! They are the only two people other than Kelley that I allow to hug me!:P

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Oh, my gosh, you sweet people turned me into an over milked bowl of mashed potatoes today when I read this.

Yes, It was ear, and throat and bronchial pneumonia.. quilkly heald, now that we have so much experience with it. LOL.

Will be attending a 3 days a week, 10 week session of cardio and pulmonary rehab to strengthen things up a bit and give me more tolerance.

Also found part of the problem (while in the hospital) was an allergic reaction to the antibiotic. Switched that and got better so much faster it was amazing.

Slept well last night, much of today, so not very sleepy. Have things to do tomorrow, so am going to go try for some sleep.

Thanks for all the prayers and caring.. and hugs.. it IS great to be back.

Love ya all, God Bless..


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Hey Rita, Great to hear you are out and about. I had that crud a few years ago. Not fun.

The rehab sounds like a lot of work and it's probably not pleasant either. But in the long run, you'll feel better. You're in our thoughts and prayers so we hope it goes well and quicker than you think.

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