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How to charge?

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Two separate quilts--

First quilt--made a queen into a king--removed mitered borders, added batting, backing, two new borders, quilted 1/4" from those seams, and then did a very simple large "hilly" line on both borders--turning it for each side, made binding, attached front by machine, back by hand and did some repair work on the top. The customer provided the quilt. It looks like $2 a linear foot is a common rate for the binding--but the rest--I haven't a clue. I read posts about hourly rates--I had figured the quilting as I would regular quilting (and I've never turned a quilt before) and the amount was pretty big! suggestions welcome

Question 2: A lady wants me to make her deceased mother's mumus into four quilts for 4 g'daughters. Start to finish--I haven't talked to her, my DIL is the contact. I plan to call her and make sure these dresses are cotton before I go any further...I believe she wants lap size--I was thinking yellow brick road--something simple, meander quilting etc. Is there a common pricing method for something like this - do I give her a break because of the # of quilts?

Thank you--all your ears were burning yesterday. I was bragging on the Millenium, and someone asked what kind of support I got--I've only needed to call APQS a couple of times, and they were great--but I told the group they needed to monitor this chat--they'd learn so much and sometimes prevent problems-or solve them more quickly! This group of quilters is the best! Jane

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Hi Jane,

This is the best.

I have been there, what kind of market do you have, what kind and what quality of work you have compared to the competitors? If you are in this for "Business ", I am only suggesting, buy this computer program "MQBM", it has some suggested pricing that you can modify, mostly it is for organizing your whole business. I am working on my end of the year stuff right now.

It also helped me much when my DH gave me this gift, paid "Longarm Training" in Renton, WA.

Good Luck


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