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NQR - Jackson's sweater

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Here's what I've been doing when I'm not quilting. Jackson is my 10yo nephew, and I've been working on his sweater for about a year. The little stinker is taller than I initially thought, so I had started the sweater, then ripped it out to make it bigger. Then when I got to the top where I thought I should have started shaping the neck, and hadn't, I ripped again. That was about last August, and who the heck wants to have a wool sweater in your lap in August? So, finally back to work on it, only to find out that I hadn't needed to frog it out after all. Arrggh! I finished it on the 30th, including sewing the sleeve patch, and my label in.

The pattern is from Dale of Norway, and is called "Nagano". Designed for the Norwegian ski team to wear in the Olympics there. I've still got one to make for Maddie, hopefully she'll get to wear it this ski season, but who knows.


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Wow! That's great. I've never had the patience for knitting. Chrocheted (sp?) a little years ago, even learned how to do some simple knitting, but was never any good at it. My grandma and my aunts did both and I had wonderful sweaters, hats, gloves, etc. from them. I still have blankets from when I was a kid and they're still in great shape! I envy your talent!

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WOwowowozeers. Beth that is gorgeous. I am going to learn to knit socks this year. I don't do knitting in the round so it will be a challenge. My goodness I am in awe. No wonder you are such a great quilter. Your body is just talented.

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Wonderful sweater Beth. I can crochet and do a fair amount of it.....Lg. Tablecloths are my favorites but I usually give them away. I crochet a lot of Lap throws and Baby Blankets and give them away as gifts also. But I just can't get those darn needles to do what I want them to do. ARGGGGG!!!:(

I have 3 sisters that knit and my mother does both but she prefers to crochet also.

If I tried to do that sweater??? :D:D I would hate to see what it would really end up looking like.:D:D:D

You did a great job and I love the pattern!


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That is simply gorgeous, it reminds me of one my MIL made for my son when he was a baby she is from Wales and used a similar Norwegian design, but not so elaborate, plus if was for a one year old with matching hat, booties, leggings and mittens. If he didnt look smart. Sure wish I still had it for the grandbabies. I know it is alot of work and very tedious. Great job. Jeanne

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Funny-I started a scarf Knit 4 P4 36 stitches across. I didn't finish, well its not that easy :)

I was making it for my daughter's new boyfriend....

He gave me a cap from the company he works for, he thought I looked like I should wear a cap when I go out to get eggs from the chickens...

I ended up giving him a hand woven rug out of blue jeans. He loved the rug.

Your work is far better than I could do, as I have a problem just keeping the k4 P4 thing straight.


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Have you read Glenn Beck's book The Christmas Sweater? I hope Jackson appreciates the time and effort you put into that sweater. I, too,am a knitter but I've never knit a garment--mostly Christmas stockings and crafty things.

I love those Norwegian patterns. I'm vaguely familiar with Fair Isle knitting, I think that's what you call it. I would love to try something like Jackson's sweater some day. When we ever get together, be it Moxie, or MQS, I would love to chat about knitting and how to carry yarn over on the back. I have my method but again, it's just for crafty things, not garments.

Thanks for posting the photo.:D

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