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How Would You Quilt This?

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Please I need your help.

I have no idea how to quilt this.

The quilter's accuracy is not very good.

It looks to me "ditching" is out of the question or 1/4" away of the seam. Some of the strips are larger on top. I am about to start pulling my hair out.:mad::(

Thank You.



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Wouldn't a freehand design within the colorful areas kinda hide some of the oops? What if you focused the quilting within the colored area and used a black thread within the black areas --- would that draw attention away from the mis-aligned seams??

Just curious, that is probably how I would handle it. I guess you don't want to draw more attention to the misalignments by using a bright thread and running it across the seams though.

My 2 cents.

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This is the pattern she used for her quilt.

I have the quilt on the machine already and would hate to have to take it off.:(. The blocks are all the same.

I have secured the black areas by stiching in the center of each strip, top to bottom. My biggest mistake was not inspecting the accuracy of the piecing.

Thanks for the help.



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I really like doing ribbon swirls - a longish curved line (3 - 6", depending on the space to fill), curl, then come back and cross over your curved line, like a ribbon waving in the breeze. I would start in the lower "v" part of the heart, put swirls in each side (multiple if this is a big space), then curvy line to the next "v".

Good luck! The colors are very cool.


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I see hearts too. How 'bout a feathered heart inside the black lines. Then just a wavy line in black thread on the black sashing. Your quilting wiull distract from the piecing problems. Believe me if this is the worst piecing you see you'll be a lucky lady!!:o Have fun!!!

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Hi All,

First, thanks so much to all of you for the great ideas. My client chose to go with "lines" (1/4" to 1/2") from the center (boring). I sure love all the creativity that all of you have. I am sure I will need your help again.

Tonight I will have my DH post the photo.

A million thanks!


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