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zippered leaders

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Hi Nora, I bought mine from Linda at Longarm Connection. They are worth every penny when you consider the time saved sewing your back to the zippers vs. pinning to the leaders. I sewed gros-grain ribbon on the zippers to make it easier to sew the backs on and haven't ever been sorry. Darlene Epp has a great tutorial about how to put them on.

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I got mine at LA connection too. DO watch the Darlene Epp video on applying the to your leaders.

I couldn't remember where I'd seen that info when I finally got around to putting mine on so I figured How hard can that be!? Well, it's hard to keep everything lined up the way I did it!!

I went back and found the link and watched it so I could do them right. I also wrote on my zippered leaders which side of the fabric goes to the correct side of the leader. I decided to follow Darlene's advice about basting my back and top to the leaders instead of pinning them on. My main reason for using the zips was to avoid sticking myself with the pins!

Since my sewing room is 2 floors up from my quilting room I wanted to save myself the time of making the mistake of basting it on wrong and having to do it over. It all worked out very smoothly and was such a pleasure to baste then run down and zip it all on.. all in about 15 min!! Just like she said!

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