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crosshatch block question

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This quilt is square and the pieced blocks are. but the sashing around the pieced blocks has corner blocks which range from 1 1/8" to 2". Each block is to be crosshatched. The pieced blocks contain all different size squares, 1/2 square triangles, etc. The customer wants it cross hatched starting in the small corner blocks, feathers in the larger sashing, and another design in the black cornerstones. I want to use the Hartley Fence. I don't want to mark each block incividually. Should each block should be quilted identically regardless of the size of the pieces in the block? Myrna's book says that the cross hatching looks so good that one is less likely to notice problems in piecing. I think the piecing within the block is perfect--or close to perfect. But when you get into that row of sashing with the small blocks--far from perfect. I'll SID around each block--and around the sashing. What would be better--or suggestions?? THANK YOU, Jane


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I would probably do cc's in those squares. If you try to cross hatch them it will really show with that much of a difference. If it were only 1/8" then you would be able to fudge it but with a square that small I don't personally think you can fudge it. I love cross hatching on quilts. I think it is a very classic look and makes almost any quilt look good.

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After seeing the quilt I'm really surprised she wants each block cross hatched. I can see a few that cross hatching would enhance but I think there are a lot more options out there. If I were doing this I would cross hatch the sashing and squares but do some SID and maybe featherish designs in the sample blocks. I like cc's too but I still prefer SID over cc's. Good luck.

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Heidi, I agree, but the customer wants it plain, simple, believes that makes it look "older." We started out with rope in the sashing and 1/4" around ALL the individual pieces. Didn't like that look. The ONLY advantage to the ch in the entire block is that it takes in that wonky sashing, otherwise I would SID around it--which would amplify it. I haven't done very many custom quilts (mostly for me) and this one has me awake at night! Jane

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I agree w/Myrna. The "corner" blocks will hide where you've stopped the cross hatching.

Since you are putting a different design in the squares and sashing, you will never notice if one block has been slightly adjusted to accomodate that block vs. any other block on the quilt. GO FOR IT!

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Ok Jane...I'm new to this forum, and I don't know how to up-load pics. I just pulled off a custom "women's voices" quilt that is very similar to that one. I'll either upload or email you pics if you want. It might give you something to go on. Email me at janthequilter@yahoo.com. I'm on right now, but I've got to go quilt.

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I agree with Heidi. I really don't think that cross hatching will benefit this quilt. I can see lots of fabulous things to do in the blocks - with CH in the sashing if the customer is that keen!! I just don't think CH all over the place will show off the fabulous work that has gone into the quilt!;)

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Originally posted by jebm

Each block is to be crosshatched. The pieced blocks contain all different size squares, 1/2 square triangles, etc. The customer wants it cross hatched starting in the small corner blocks, feathers in the larger sashing, and another design in the black cornerstones. I want to use the Hartley Fence. I don't want to mark each block incividually. Should each block should be quilted identically regardless of the size of the pieces in the block? THANK YOU, Jane

Since you are required, per your customer's wishes, to crosshatch, I think all the blocks should be the same regardless of the piecing. You will have a big X in each block from corner to corner, so pick a distance for your CH that fits the block size and do them all the same. If you use a neutral thin thread, only the texture will show.

Good luck and post finished pictures please!

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Sometimes when faced with a client that has a stong opinion about how their quilt should be quilted, I remind myself that I am the one with the machine. I used to try and do things that were out of my comfort zone to satisfy a client, then I realized I was not happy with the results. If I can't do my very best work every time, I should get out of this business. I will not compromise any longer to give the customer what they think they want. Many times what they want is the kinds of things they would do on a DSM if they could do a quilt that large. And that just doesn't translate.

If you say, "no, I'm not comfortable doing that, my skill set is that this would compliment the quilt much better" If she wants to take it elsewhere so be it. But sooner or later you will command more respect for your work.

An example: I told a client a couple years ago that I would not do McTavishing. I'm okay with it now, but then I just didn't like the results. So, off she went and found another gal to do it. When she had show and tell at guild, I took a look at it and it was AWFUL!!! She knew it too, and said, I wish I would have listened! Now she is a steady, and she says "Do whatever you think will look best!!!"

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Caron, the customer is my daughter--and it's a freebie, but she will not be moved! So, here we go! I'll post pics when I get it finished. If she was asking for someting I couldn't do that would be different--this is something I don't want to do!! I want to treat it like a sampler, but she thinks that looks "modern" and that the cross hatching is something more "authentic." I just hope it doesn't take away from her work! Jane

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Having a daughter with a strong opinion I'd say in this case cave and give in. You might want to make one of your own and quilt as you think it should be quilted and then she'll be eating her heart out :P:P:P:P:P! Personally I think there are more traditional designs that would look better on that particular quilt. Baptist fan would probably look good or even clam shells. On top of that SID is very traditional and not modern. Oh well I guess you have to keep peace in the family! Good luck.

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I had the same problem with my daughter several years ago. I had made her a triple Irish chain quilt with a floral design in the open spaces. She wanted it to look big and fluffy, not a lot of quilting. Well against my better judgement I did it her way, and even though it was a beautiful quilt the first show she put it in, they said 'not enough quilting.'

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Thanks for all the support--I actually thought she might want to help take the little bit of quilting out that I did and we didn't like--but the girl works full time, has twins, and it's a miracle she got the quilt pieced--so I'm happy to try to please her--sort of! Working on that attitude I am I am! All the posts are helpful. I will post a picture! I got new thread today for the bobbins--we were using toast on the top--which actually looked like lavender on the back! Very surprising! Ah, it's always an adventure and a challenge! Makes meandering look like fun! ;) Jane

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