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Christmas & Birthday Bragging

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And this is what my DH brought home tonight. We originally had this as a painting from a local woman in town that Dennis has known for years. It was the first gift he ever bought me, but we lost it in our house fire a few years back. This is essentially the same, only its painted on silk and is 15" wide and 5' tall....


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The SD has had many issues her whole life and isn't able to really concentrate for long on any one thing. She's bi-polar and self-medicates...its a whole saga. These last few years, she's really started to do better and she's always loved art. She and my DH are going to collaborate and come up with designs for shirts, bags, etc.

I do think she could make money with her paintings...I love stylized horses like this one.

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Imagine that they would give you pictures with horses on them? I too have a love for horses. Acutally for cats and dogs and most animals. I draw the line at skunks and sankes. If that commercial comes on TV about the animal shelters, I think it's Sarah McLachlan that is in the commercial, I will cry through it everytime. I try not to look at the TV.

We have three horses at our farm that I need to find homes for when we move. Star is an Arabian mare who my father in law had and is still at the farm. She is the one I ride (once every year or two) and she also is broke to drive a buggy. She is I think about 25 years old and as beautiful as ever. We will bring her to the lake with us if we can't find a good home (I have to inform my husband of that fact). Then we have Winnie who is five and a sweetheart, half Arab and half quarterhorse, shes gorgeous and the first one to come see you when you go out, and Blackjack who is a kids horse but not your most beautiful horse in the world. I hope I can find good homes for them.

Anyway, back to the subject. Your paintings are beautiful and your SD is very talented.

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Originally posted by quiltmonkey

Dory, it is obvious that you are loved very much by your step daughter and DH

Pet the ponies for me, K? ;)

I've got them fooled!! I'm on my way to the pasture now--pony pets and kisses forthcoming:P

Robin, how soon are you moving? Star will be tough to sell because of her age, so you should probably start breaking your husband in now:D You could call a stable that offers lessons to see if there are any families there that are looking to buy kid ponies for a potential home for Blackjack. Has Winnie been started? If she has, and if she's a nice mover, you could contact www.aerc.org for a list of ride managers in your area. They could put you in touch with endurance riders that may want to give her a try. Just thoughts...its so hard to find good homes as so many people don't realize the work and expense involved with horses.

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Winnie is a special girl. When she was a yearling we had her steaked out at the top of our yard with a railroad tie. I went up to see her and pet her and was walking back down to the house and she looked up at me and bolted. It's like something startled her. She got the railroad tie to the gravel road and took off on a dead run cuz that scared the heck out of her and then ran down the road and through the (luckily) open gate into the pasture. I ran to get my husband to come help me catch her. She went to the corner of the pasture and the other horses were across the fence from her. You guessed it, when we were almost up to her she tried to jump over the fence and (brace yourself) came down on a metal fence post, went right into her under her front right leg. My husband had to literally lift her off of the post. We thought she was a gonner but we called the vet and hauled her in. My poor husband had to put up with my hysterical crying all the way 38 miles to the vet. She got her fixed up as best she could and said she has to heal from the inside out. After I don't know how many weeks of cleaning her wound 2 times a day she healed up and now there is a scar across there but otherwise she is perfecly healthy. And my cleaning her wound twice a day made for a really gentle girl. She is still really sweet, the first one to come see me when I go out. But, we tried to have her broke by a little gal and she had her started good, but then decided to take her to a branding to really check her out. Winnie flipped out and dumped the girl and the girl didn't want to go there again. Never did send her to anyone else. I love horses but am not qualified or brave enough to break one. I think she is a little hot blooded with her Arab and Quarterhorse comblination. She likes to play with you and be a little goofy sometimes. If you go out to the pasture sometimes she will come on a dead run and you think she won't stop. She's so gorgeous though. I love Arabians, the way their tails lift when they run and they have such beautiful faces. She will be hard to place and hard to let go.

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