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Should I tackle this??

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I have never turned down a quilting job but this may be the time. What do you think? The quilt is all out of whack....not square at all and lots of issues. I really need the money but do not need any added stress right now. Any of you experts think this is doable without me totally going off the deep end?? Please be honest if you think I am over-reacting about the problems I may encounter...

Thanks!! Janette

Still far from perfect but a before and after picture........


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It all depends on how long you have been longarm quilting and your skill level, because most likely it will be a custom and if you are new to doing custom plus with all of the additional problems there are do to the piecing I would say send it back. But if you are comfortable with custom and don't mind a bit of a challenge with the piecing issues than go for it.

Not much help, am I, lol ;)

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Hi Janette, it can be done, just depends on how good you are at easing in the fullness....You may need to SID around the stars and then do a very small background fill, like tiny meander in the white to pull in the fullness.

I wouldn't try feather wreaths in those setting squares! If you can do an all over from the front of the machine it would be easier to work the fullness in but even with that you may have some puckers.

I've had worse!

Did you get the pattern??

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Kim...Yes I got the pattern in the mail today! Thanks!! The customer wants alot of feathers in the white areas.....she bought this kit at an estate sale 20 years ago....it has been sitting in a bag for many years! I think I'll call her and express my concerns and see where this goes. I almost exclusively do custom work but with everything we have been going through the past two weeks am avoiding as much stress as I can. I have quilted a few not so perfect quilts but just am not too sure about this one. Janette

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Janette...start in the center with the Steam and Starch and work out, do have and the flip and do the other half always starting in the center........do not start in at the top and work down....if you do you will have more wonk than you have now....

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This looks like some of the quilts I get in :) This has to be my favorite pattern and some day I'm going to make this quilt....right! I can dream. Hopefully mine will turn out better than this one.

I have faith in you. You can do this. These ladies have given excellent advice. We want pictures when it is finished.

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I think it is doable although you may say some bad words along the way :P:P:P! Using the starch and steam will really help ease in the fullness in the setting sqaures and I'd also use a thicker batting. I would probably do a lot of basting and then go in and tackle SID first then quilting the rest.

Mary Beth, This is one on my list too! I have a single lone star on my couch that has been loved almost to death! We all just fight for it. I will get to this but may have to wait until I retire! Less than 9 years now!

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Well....I loaded the quilt...called the customer and am willing to try it. She does NOT want any high loft batting so will use the Quilters Dream she sent with the quilt. She was surprised that I thought there might be difficulties with the quilt....I explained and emailed pics to her and when I get it done I will post a pic here also. Thanks for the advice and encouragement. I would not do it if I didn't need extra $ right now....my son's fiancee was killed in a car accident two weeks ago and he is left with their 5 month old baby to raise along with his 9 year old daughter he has raised alone since she was 3 weeks old. (Her mom just took off) My son is struggeling emotionally and finacially and I need to help him. Life just doesn't seem fair sometimes. Anyway I will give it a go and see what I can do. Thanks again.......... Janette

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I did a quilt just like this one that was hand pieced in 1940. It was not square at all and had puckers. What I had to do was add a small border to it to help keep the outside bias edges from stretching anymore. I had my machine less than a year when I tackled it, so I'm sure you can do it too.

My quilting was simple. I used the CL for the feather wreaths and just followed the piecing in the stars. Linda Taylor has a show on doing a Lone Star quilt, which is similar to this broken star pattern. I watched the show on QNNTV.com.


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what great timing for this post as I am working on a quilt right now like Georgene's and need to decide how to quilt it once I get the thing to lay a little flatter. I would not want to tackle it with the center squares being too large. It is not an easy task to get these to lay flat. I did pretty good but, I have decided that seeing as thought I have not added the borders yet, I will spend a little extra time measuring and getting any extra bulk out of it first. thanks for the pictures. Jeanne

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