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Should I tackle this??

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Thanks! Now I have another problem....I spritzed an area to steam it for shrinkage and now see on the back where the hot pink color in the top bled quite badly...The backing is pure white. This fabric is such a poor quality! How do I get the pink out? I will not try to wash it myself because I forsee terrible results!!! :( Janette

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Originally posted by Nettie

Thanks! Now I have another problem....I spritzed an area to steam it for shrinkage and now see on the back where the hot pink color in the top bled quite badly...The backing is pure white. This fabric is such a poor quality! How do I get the pink out? I will not try to wash it myself because I forsee terrible results!!! :( Janette

Janette I'd give it to the customer and let her know the problems. I sure wouldn't try to wash it. I tell her to give it a really good soak in the bathtub with synthrapol, even over night so that it will absorb all the excess dye. I'd also print her pictures of that top as you were loading it so that she can see why you had to spritz it.

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Janette, ohhhhh! this quilting is beautiful. Wow! What an accomplishment to be proud of. :) A pat on the back to you!

Heidi gives good advice about informing the customer to use synthropol to grab the bleeding fabrics in the wash. She can wash it (might need to wash a few times to catch all the loose dye??? and block it herself.

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Great job Janette. Victory over the warped, wonked out quilts is always so sweet. After your customer see pics of the quilt loaded, she should bend over and kiss your feet!;)

I'll also add you, your son and his little ones to my prayers. Vicki said it very well. Fortitude and determination are great character traits. No one said that life is fair, but it sounds like you have raised a good son who shares those trates with you. Give your grandchildren lots of hugs and your son too.

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