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Where are chicken and monkey cousins?

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Nancy Dear

I am glad to see that you are taking one day at a time and still Smiling. I hope things are getting a little easier for you by now. Some in my family are going thru similar things and it is hard on everyone involved. I will continue to keep your in prayer and you hang in there, girl. Jeanne

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I can't seem to get onto the other thread grrrr the pages aren't working right now....but MerryJo emailed that she had gotten them finally and also stated here that she was mailing them off to Sparkle, and that was last week. Angie...have you gotten them yet?

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Okay we still can't get onto the next page where the are the elephants, but I was able to get the computer to give me the first line of Angies email on that page. SHE has the box and is thanking MerryJo for sending it....so looks like Nancy it should be heading your way soon.

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