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Thread breaks with new needle

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I have had my mille since September but I have had a reoccurring problem I just can?t figure out. Almost everytime I change my needle I have thread breakage, usually after 5 inches or so. I mess around with everything, rethreading, checking bobbin, checking needle, reinserting over and over making sure needle eye is in center, scarf in back, etc... I have even changed the needle several times in a row. (I use a 4.0 needle) Sooner or later the problem stops and it just starting sewing correctly. Sometimes I walk away and come back later, and it works again. I can not figure out why it is doing this. It is so frustrating. Has anyone else had this problem? If so what did you do? Help!!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

If this problem is only happening when you change the needle then might I suggest that you might not be pushing the needle far enough up before tightening the screw. Some times it feels like it is in correctly but if you losen the side screw up just a bit you will find that it will move up just a little more, then hold it firm and retighten that screw. Hope that helps. If it does not call Connie or Mark and they will help you. I hate the thought of you going through that every time you change a needle. Good Luck and let us know what happens.:cool:

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