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I made new leaders... (that's how I got the Stupid award) and taped them to the rollers with duct tape on both sides. I also sewed half a zipper on the other side of the leader. On the second part I sewed the other half the zipper so they can zip together, say at the bottom of the quilt.. I then machine baste the quilt backing onto the free side of the leader and do the same at the top end. So I use two sets of zippers per quilt..

works for me, saves my hands.. and no bloodies from pins..


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I am a zipper gal, I use them all the time and absolutely love them. I have 3 sets so as soon as I take a quilt out of the machine the next one is ready to be zipped in. I also like that I can stop a quilt, unzip, and get another one in if I have to. I'd never go back to pinning on the leaders again.


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I have 5 sets of zippers, I pin while I am watching Top Chef or Real Housewives lol. I hate spending my time pinning during the day, and like you mentioned, especially with my own quilts, I can do all the SID, take it off, come back to it later. They are the best. I do need new leaders and will be searching for posts about that. I definately need heavier canvas, mine is stretched and warped and causes quilts to be a bit askew. I have to roll back and forth several times to get them straight.

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I'd be scared to death to give zippers to my customers. I don't think anyone knows how to square up a backing! I Square pretty-much every backing. I have a large table to do it on. If they put a zipper on their quilt top, that might be a benefit. But sometimes I want to load a quilt sideways instead of longways. No. . . I wouldn't give zippers to my customers.

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You don't actually buy zippered leaders, you buy the zipper sets to attach to your leaders. Sue Schmeiden (hope I spelled that correctly) at the Quilt Connection in Elk Horn Wisconsin developed and sells the zipper sets for the leaders. I don't have her number, but look her up. Sue is the greatest.


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I bought my zippers from the Quilting Connection. One machine set is zips for the frame leaders and a matching set for the quilt..$54.95 Additional quilt sets are $24.95.

Trillium Designs (DArlene Epp) has a great tutorial on how to put them on your leaders. It's easier to understand the the directions that come with the zips.

I also used 8" wide canvas strips folded in half lenthwise to make a double thickness leader to sew the quilt set onto. Like Darlene, I machine baste my quilt to those leaders. I serged the 2 raw edges of the the doubled canvas before I sewed the zips on to prevent raveling. I had my first twin sized quilt zipped on in 20 minutes!! No pin pricks..YAY!!

I did write on the quilt leaders which side to baste the corresponding quilt piece to just because I knew I'd do it wrong and have to rip it out. Also I didn't want to overexercise by running up and down the 2 flights of stairs between my sewing and quilting rooms. Geee,, Maybe I could put one of my 4 sewing machines in the quilting studio!!;)

Columbia River Quilting also has the zips (same ones) and also sells a single long zipper for 13.95. I think you could use that for turning your quilt.

It was worth every penny and esp so when I had to take the quilt off to frog out some bad feathers that even a beginner like me couldn't let go. Frogging bad feathers..sounds like a farm:D

Hope this helps

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As I don't have zippers (but am considering it) this is probably going to sound stupid but

Does one have to have another set in order to attach the backing or do they come with a set for both quilt top and backing?

Also if you want to centre the quilt top exactly how would you do this using zippers?

Are zippers only of real use if you have more than one set enabling you to switch from one quilt to another?

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I love my zippers. The ability to switch quilts quickly is a time saver. Seems everytime I have a quilt on my frame someone calls and wants a demo so it's off with my quilt and on with the muslin. I have several sets including the ones that can be put on any which way and still work (reversable). I also sewed my zippers on a short leader in order to sew baste them to the quilt instead of pinning. I don't have any problem with the quilt top being centered on the zippers which also have the center marked.

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I love my zippers.

Chris, if you buy a set you get a zipper for the backing top and bottom and one for the quilt top. You will need a machine set that goes on all your leaders.

I used to attach my zippers with a chain stitch machine but I had a gear break and now I'm machine basting and don't like it. For those of you who have attached a little leader to your zippers, is it made out of canvas or what and could you post a pic? Sorry I'm a visual person.

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I am new to LA but in the beginning, I did invest in zippers because of arthritis. I put half of the zipper on heavy pillow ticking (bought at wal-mart). Now I just sew the zipper piece with the pillow ticking on to the quilt back. Very easy to remove from the pillow ticking from the backing after I have finished quilting. I also have 2 sets of zippers, so one is always at the side waiting to get on the frame. Love my zippers.

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