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Winner...Longarm Quilters' Stupid Award

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I have been working on a large Civil War quilt with only 12 blocks and lots of borders. I've had to work row by row, simply because the Fairfield batting hasn't allowed me work in my normal fashion (generally, I go through and SID and then go back to the top to quilt).

Today I started my last row of three blocks. I started around noon...I have yet to sew one stitch! I've been adjusting tension (monopoly in the top, prewound bobbin) all day. I generally sew a little loopy on the side of the quilt that will be trimmed away, tension is good, and then I'm off. Today, though has been an excruciating ordeal. No matter how much I adjusted the tension, the top was too loose--monofilament too loose!!!

I've taken breaks (yes, Shana, the ponies got another pat from that lady in Alaska--they're hoping you'll break down and send carrots:D), I've checked the thread path, I've changed bobbins. Finally, after all of this, I decided to put on a practice piece of muslin until I could get it right. That's when I noticed it....even though I had pulled the mono through from the back to re-thread the machine, it had somehow popped out of the tension disks. So...no matter how I adjusted the tension, the only tension getting tighter was the band of pain in my forehead:o

So...I win...please forward my Stupid Award immediately!:P

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Been there done that so I guess we'll have to share the award! LOL I felt so dumb once I discovered what had happened.

I'm working with Fairfield 80/20 right now and I HATE it! My customer brought it to me. She had won it in Lancaster for something. You definitely have to be gentle with it. It likes to bunch up too. I called my customer because I'm getting some pokies with it. She had a dark backer so it really shows. They are small pokies but pokies none the less. So irritating. I told her I would frog it and use a different batt but she said to keep going. I had pokies on a quilt I did for my daugher and I went to look at it to see if the pokies were still there. I was amazed they were gone! It has been washed a couple of times and I guess the threads finally relaxed and pulled the pokies back in. I was at least glad to see that.

I hope I don't get fairfield again!

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I knew it had to be me...I just couldn't figure out WHAT! Now that the thread goes through the tension disk, I've been able to, once again, have perfect tension!!

Heidi...I talked to my client at guild and will show her how bad Fairfield is. I just won't accept that batting again, its horrid!

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I haven't tried Fairfield yet - was warned before my Millie arrived. After all is said here, I definitely will not try!!!

As to the tension.......... is all I can say is "there are those days........." Glad you figured it out and that in the end it was something simple......... another thing to put on the top of the check list for when things go wrong, go wrong, go wrong.

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Originally posted by DoryJM

..........So...I win...please forward my Stupid Award immediately!:P

Right now, this coveted award has been sitting on my shelf for months and collecting dust. I have often gazed (or shall I say glared) at this award following some big dumb stunt I have done (and there have been many)...and with utmost gladness, I am happy to get rid of it and pass it on to the next "big dummy" who deserves it. Sounds like you are deserving it, Missy!!! ;)

So... question is...How fast can I get this down to you? Would FedEx Same Day Express shipping work? Maybe I'll toss in a bunch of carrots in the package too.

Pet the ponies for me and tell them carrots are coming!


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Well, I'm too cheap to pay good $$ for one made at a trophy shop so I made this one myself with the help of Microsoft Clipart. But, now that you've mentioned it, I might just go ahead and splurge and get me a real genuine award made and engraved. It might be fun to share with my local longarm guild. They'd get a laugh out of it (and maybe we can pass it around between ourselves when we meet each month!) :P

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Hey, Shana...you are engraving my name on it before you ship it, right?? Oh, and Emma has decided that she doesn't really like carrots, she'd prefer an apple please. :P

Forgot to add...after I had finally figured out what the problem was, the spring popped out of my bobbin case. I couldn't get it back in (actually, I'm not sure which way it goes or whether I should just toss the whole thing), so I got out my spare and started using it. Don't know who it was that suggested having a spare one, but I can't even begin to say how happy I was to have it.

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OK, apples it is! So... does Emma prefer red, golden or granny smith?

Spring in bobbin case (btdt) I usually pop mine in using a flat screwdriver. Since the spring is out, very (very) gently adjust the prongs so they are poking up a wee bit more. The spring goes back in the case so the prongs are pointing up /out (rubs against the bobbin while it spins). Do you have an air compressor? Now's a good time to blow out that bobbin case before putting the spring back in. I also take a q-tip dabbed in alcohol and rub out the inside of the case to get any goo or lint stuck in there, then put the spring back in using a screwdriver until it snaps in place where the notches are. It's kinda tricky but with a little patience it will snap back in.

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They aren't picky; they're just very opinionated:P

Emma wants the apples; the rest want carrots--the really big fat ones!

Okay, so the spring is back in after a thorough cleaning of the case. I did adjust the prongs very gently and slightly to make them poke up a bit more and blew the heck out of it with my compressor (I love that thing). I used the screwdriver and the spring snapped right back in. Thanks!!

Now to figure out what to do with the last three blocks, then the stars and loops as requested on the borders/sashing and I'm done. I won't be sorry to see this quilt go to its owner.

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Geez Louise! So now.... the carrots ...they can't be the normal, regular size...they must be the really big fat ones??? Well, well....well... :D I'll have to shop around for some "Arab-approved" carrots.

And, I think somebody's ponies are spoiled rotten.... ;)

Glad you got your springy thingy in there. Would you (pretty please) share a photo of this quilt when you are done?

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Spoiled...they're not spoiled. You could call them spoiled if we took them hot water morning and evening...oh, wait...we do take them hot water:o Could it be...my ponies are spoiled??

I hope to have it done Wednesday at the latest, so I will post pictures. This is my first customer quilt that got a few feathers....of course, the thread matches perfectly so they don't show;)

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