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Crosshatcing finished!

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This is the quilt I asked for help with last week. Daughter is happy with the quilting--and I'm happy the quilting is finished! The Hartley Fence is a wonderful tool. I got plenty of practice! (and this time I didn't whine about walking around the machine for each row!) I used the "blizzard" method for marking removal--this forum is just the best! Jane


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I believe Sherry Rogers introduced it. Go to the local DQ, buy a blizzard, and use the spoon that comes with it to measure baking soda into 12 oz water in a spray bottle. When removing the marking, something in the soda keeps the blue water soluable marker from migrating into the batting and maybe surprising you when the quilt is washed and dried. (I used a tsp+ because there isn't a DQ open close by) and should also say that apparently this mixture loses its magical powers if allowed to sit--so it needs to be made up fresh when you want to use it!) I used a variety of tools to mark and was panicking about getting the blue pencil that's supposed to be water soluable out--I think it all came out--I have it drying, blocked in the living room on a sheet--we'll see how it looks tomorrow. Yes, feathers in the sashing and the black blocks are divided into quarters, and then divided again so there are four triangle shapes--with feathers facing inward in each triangle.

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Just a beautiful quilt! Would like to see some close-ups!

I may have to try this blizzard thing too! I'm sure there are many here that could find many useful things for the blizzard spoon. Maybe start a whole new wave of blizzard ideas! (of course you would need a fresh spoon for each idea!)

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Originally posted by DoryJM

That quilt turned out beautifully. I have the same BOM kit, but am nowhere near done. Seeing it completed gives me incentive to get busy.

Do you block all your quilts, or just this one since its staying in the family?

It was pretty damp from all the marking removal and it seemed like a good time to block it--I've NEVER done it before!

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Originally posted by quiltmonkey

Oooh! I love this! Very nice. Great job.

I've never heard of the blizzard method before either.

I looked up blue markers on the search tab--and eventually talk about using the "blizzard" method came up! I believe someone said they were pretty sure the blizzards would be tax deductible!

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Originally posted by jebm

I believe Sherry Rogers introduced it. Go to the local DQ, buy a blizzard, and use the spoon that comes with it to measure baking soda into 12 oz water in a spray bottle.......

Oh good! This give me a great reason to go get me a DQ Blizzard! THANKS!! :cool:

Originally posted by jebm

.....I believe someone said they were pretty sure the blizzards would be tax deductible!

Wow. DQ Blizzards are now tax deductible. Thanks for finding this "loophole" for me. LOL This is so awesome. :D I'll make sure my acccountant knows this info when she sees my business expenses.

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I can't believe it----the "blizzard" method?!?!:P ONLY Sherry would think of that!:D:D I remember the five-minute chocolate cake, and now a DQ spoon to measure with!?:P:P:P You mean I have to go to the DQ to get a spoon to measure with?:P:P:P


BTW JANE: Your quilt is lovely. I love what you did to it, and the colors are so warm and cozy. How precise the crosshatching looks! Great job!:)

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the quilt is gorgeous and your cross hatching is lookin' real good. I'm thinking like LeeAnn - for every new idea, you need a new Blizzard spoon, to get the spoon, you need to buy the "Blizzard". Oh my Fitness Friends, help me!!! I feel a bunch of ideas comin' on!!:P:P:P

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Those of you that want to try the BLIZZARD method but don't want the extra calories let me know-DS works at the local DQ (when it's open) and I'll bet we can get a few extra spoons:D:D:D

Oh BTW the kids that work there get the mistakes-When someone makes an order wrong or whatever they put the mistakes in the freezer and they can have them!! Some days I would pick him up at work and he would have a "mistake" in each hand and a big ol' smile on his face!!! Of course he eats those then dinner and he never gains an ounce-I swear just the smell goes right to my thighs!! LOL

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