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zippered leaders


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Yes, you can pin if you want to. I don't like pins. My hands

are not as agile as they once were and I bleed alot when I

get stuck. Who wants sore hands? :(

So I take my quilt top and backing to the DSM. I set the DSM

to a zig-zag stitch or chain stitch.

I find the middle of my zipper (mine are marked in perm ink)

and I snug the fabric up to the plastic on the zipper and put

the centered zipper and fabric under the foot of my DSM and

start stitching the fabric to the zipper. When I get to the

end of the fabric, I flip it over and sew from the middle to

the other end. It is easy.

But not as easy as taking the zippers off when the quilt is

quilted. Since I prefer to zigzag, I use one of those seam-

rippers that looks like an exacto knife. I slip the blad under

the first zig and thene glide it up the zipper-side (not the

fabric side) and the stitches come right out. It literally takes

seconds and best of all, NO PINS.:)

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Hi there,

Reading this thread the other day inspired me to finally attach my zipper leaders!!! Well, I am so frustrated I could scream. In fact, I think I have several times. It is not easy to sew them onto the canvas. I have broken five, I repeat five needles and blew a fuse. I started attaching the zipper to the final canvas today, and broke another needle, and am unsure if I want to continue attaching them. I am so frustrated, I am tempted to take them back off again, no matter how long it takes. Did anyone else have this much trouble attaching your zippers? Help!!!!


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Are you trying to do the zippers without any help?

I could not have managed my 144" zippers without my

husband to hang onto the zipper as I stitched. It is so much

easier with an extra set of hands. Don't be fussy about how

the stitching looks, as long as the zippers are straight.

It will be worth the effort, you'll see.

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Well, MY DH was trying to help me last night. And we did manage to get them on. However, I was trying to finish by myself this morning and It's just no good. Will have to wait for him to come home from work. I didn't expect it to be so hard. Everyone makes it sound so easy! My stitches are not straight!!, but I don't care, they are on there! I just can't figure out why my needles keep breaking, it doesn't look they are are hitting the zippers! I am afraid of messing up my timing, if I keep breaking needles. Will that happen?

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Sue Schmeiden from Quilting Connection says that the stitching does not have to be straight. Did you use your clamps to hold your leaders taught and straight? This helped me a lot. I also pin basted the zippers to the leaders. It was not a struggle for me, I wonder if there is something else going on with your needles breaking? Do not be shy to give Sue a call. She is very patient and helpful. Are you sure you are not hitting the zippers?

Good luck, don't give up! They will be worth it!

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Oops, didn't mean to scare you Sheryl. Everyone is so helpful here and to be honest this is the first time I have run into any real major problems. I have even gotten better at adjusting tension. I was frustrated because everyone was making it sound so easy, and I couldn't fingure out if I was doing something wrong. Where are you in Michigan by the way? I have pin basted the zippers on horizontally and found that helps keep the zipper in place. I can sew right up to the pin. I am going to attemtp to finish the zipper this morning and see what happens. I am going to nab one of my boys to hold everything in place for me. Will let you know what happens.

Cheryl, I don't think I am hitting the pins, but I am going to slow down even more and keep better watch.

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Okay, I finished my zippers and no more broken needles. I slowed way down and pin basted the zipper onto the canvas. It's all done. Now, I can breathe again. Thanks for the help!

Sheryl, just go slow and take your time! I set the machine speed on slow and used the stitch regulator and it worked out good.

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I rent my longarm to a few select ladies and they love the convenience of putting their zippers on before coming to the machine. This saves them about an hour of rental time/money.

Just last week, one of my teeth broke. I'm wondering if I need to replace the whole zipper, or will it still work if I'm just very careful with them. Is this a sign of the end of this pair of zippers? I have had them for several years. The other two in the set work very well, and show no signs of breakage.


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Not that this thread isn't long enough already, but what a wonderful wealth of information! Thank you, Barb, for sharing your frustration with getting the zippers onto the leaders--I was beginning to feel so inept at stitching straight lines that I would never have a chance with quilting! And thank you, Myrna, for sharing your 'wavy' stitching lines when attaching those zippers. My seams look like a child's first crayon adventure. I did use my Hartley table to help me control the tautness (as I was attaching alone) along with pin-basting. Was I right to turn under the fringe? It just seemed that the fringe would get stuck in the zipper.

Caroline (also in ID)

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  • 1 month later...

i just attached my zippers to the leaders today myself

had a few problems. a did attach a practice piece for

my daughter i think i will have to fix a few little things

must have gotten tired toward the end. i recommend

you have a little help putting them on . i can already

see where they will be a big help. i also think the

next time i put on a piece i will machine baste it on.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi, newbie here and about ready to purchase these magnificent zipper leaders. Machine is here just waiting to clear area out to set it up - can't wait.

If I may offer a suggestion to everyone trying to attach these to the canvas leads or to the quilt itself......you may want to purchase a simple handheld sewing machine. These only do chain stitches. After reading this forum I remembered that I had purchased one of these many years ago. I located it (LOL) and found that it would do the trick very nicely.

They are really easy to find and are manufactured under several difference names (Handy Stitch, Perfect Stitch Pro and Easy Stitch - to name a few). Can be battery operated which mine is or can be both battery or electrically operated.

I hope someone tries this and let's me know what they think. Have a great day...........Terry

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  • 2 months later...

I would like to chime in on whether you can make your own zippered leaders. Yes, you can. I did. Three sets. I bought the custom length zippers from zipperstop.com. Then I went to Joann's and bought duck canvas, cut it into 7 inch slices the width I needed, hemmed 1/2 inch on three sides and pressed under one long edge. Then sewed the zippers for the quilt side to each of the pressed under edge of the canvas pieces. I made nine of them so I have three complete sets. I attached the other side of the zipper to the leaders on my former longarm, which shall remain nameless because it was the machine from heck. Anyway, let me say this: I would NOT do it again. The duck is quite heavy to sew through. Cutting nine 7 inch strips to sew the zippers to is time consuming (time is money, right???) and then sewing the zippers on adds another layer to the heavy fabric. It's hard on the DSM too. If you insist on doing it, use a Jeans needle or a good heavy weight needle. Otherwise, Let SUE do it! She earns every penney. Just my 2 cents worth.

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I'v been re-reading all the post and I did take the plunge and put the zippers on and absolutely LOVE them. I haven't had to much time to post because I've been really busy quilting. The zippers have sped the process up and I'm not weak from blood loss. They weren't that difficult to attach and if someone looks at your seam and comments that it isn't perfectly straight, just knock them over the head.

Zippers away!

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