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Quilting Retreats with National Teachers

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I am really excited about my new business plus just a tad scared.

My friend and I have been retreating for fun since 2004 twice a yr with a group of quilters that we met on the internet.

Since we both have to work we decided to combine our love of quilting and retreating into one fun business.

WE have booked Margeret Miller,Debbie Caffery and Bonnie MacCaffery for our retreats in Florida.

You get 5 days of retreating with 2 days of classes plus lots of other fun stuff.

Please check out our website www.BeSewCreative.com

Thanks for looking.

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Pat, will this be your only business along with quilting? You're very brave!! I hope this works out well for you; its so exciting to start a new venture.

A few friends and myself are starting about opening a quilt shop where I live. We're still just talking, but it might happen.

Good luck with your new venture. You love retreats, so you know what retreaters want. You'll do great!!

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The retreat business and LA business is the only job I have.

I'm a widow and too young for SS. I'm in the loop of age requirements and too old to get hired at a reg job. SO I have to work.

My friend and I have did alot of research and finally took the plunge to do this. It will be fun and a huge leap of faith.

Good luck on your business and if you open a shop,the best of luck. It's alot of work but the rewards are wonderful.

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