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Pricing for Judy Martin Log Cabin Quilt

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Originally posted by longarmlisa

Apparently, she told my friend, she did not know why it would cost sooooo much because it wasn't that hard to do.

Bet you are glad she went away!!!!

Funny - I have this quilt on my machine right now!! My customer likes "puffy" quilts and did not want all of that stitching. We saw one at a local outdoor show here last summer and it was poorly SID and feathered. She did not want anything like that, and I couldn't blame her for that!

I just did a loose over-all in the light areas - kept telling my self "I do NOT have to hit every square, keep it big...." and connecting curves in the dark colors, almost done and it looks pretty good.....

but Debbi - I LOVE your photos of the quilt you did!!! Now that is how I would like to quilt one of these babies if it were mine!!! I just am NOT a scrappy person and don't know if I could "let it go" enough to make a quilt like this!!!

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30 years ago I started hand quilting for others. As a new mother with infants and small children, I couldn't afford child care while teaching, I thought to quilt to make stay at home money. My self esteem was low, after all I was no longer a career person, JUST stay at home. Through many customers, I learned that my quilting was very good, and word of mouth was great, but what I charged had more to do with how I felt about myself and little to do with the excellent work I was doing. I ran into the "cheap" customers and learned not to take the quilt, usually working with these people "poisoned" my efforts to keep a good image of myself going. (and they used terrible fabrics too....) Try to avoid the worst of these customers, be good to yourself, remember you are saving them hundreds! of hours of work and only charging a small dollar amount. Take care of yourself, everything will follow. If you charge the going rates in your area, and you are confident in your work you will certainly gain the reputation that you deserve.

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