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People posing as customers to get info

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Ok I have a gripe :mad:

Why is it that some people "pretend" to be a new customer to ask you questions about your business (what machine you own, is it computerized, how long is your backlog, do you have a large base, questions about your pricing, etc...) and alot of other questions a person would be asking local longarmers if they were planning on going into this line of work but this one person even went as far as setting up an appointment with me to "drop off" her quilt.

Of course she never showed up so after waiting for her for 1 hour I called her (I require all new customers to give me their # in case something comes up) anyways I tell her who I was and asked if she was aware of missing our appointment...she bursts out laughing telling me how sorry she was, how she just got off work, how she is now babysitting, and how she still needs to purchase batting for the quilt she was to drop off the hour before.

It was so obvious that she had NO INTENTION of keeping the appointment, and was trying desperately to come up with an excuse as to why she couldn't still make said appointment or to even reschedule another one at a later date.

This person was inconsiderate, & immature. When she called me last week to set up the "bogus" appointment, I started getting suspitious of the type of questions she was asking, so I called her on it, I asked if she was thinking of getting a long arm machine, she quickly denied it but continued asking the questions one would if they were doing their homework for the area before they purchased.

Anyways I have no problem with people calling me up and

asking me questions about this business, pricing, ect.. but what I do have a problem with is when they lie to you to get info then set bogus appointment, which wasted my time when I have deadlines to make.

Why can't people be honest...advice to newbies on this site, if you plan on going into business but call around to the local longarmers before purchasing a machine in order to see if it is meant for you...please be honest with the longarmer you are calling. Most of us are very friendly and willing to give advice and info to the newbies of our profession. What we don't like is someone who is sneaky and makes up lies to weasle out info from us...it will end up giving you a bad rep if it ever got out.

Thanks for letting me vent...I am so glad today is Friday :cool:

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Don't let her get you down. Have a great weekend and get something done for you!

I just broke the news that I purchased a longarm to a gal I used for quilting for the last couple for years. She had not been quilting for a while as work was so demanding. She was excited for me and we are going to try our hand at show quilts together. Me, the piecer...her, the longarmer. Should be fun.

I am glad for this forum as I have learned tons. Asking questions is one thing...wasting others time is purely another. I hope to never do that!

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I think this has happened to lots of us ....

but the reason that they "pretend" is that they dont know we (you) would be happy to share our price list with anyone! The more they charge - the more everyone wins!

For some reason, people think longarming is competitive like when I started in 1997.

I did not feel the love from fellow longarmers.

Its not like that anymore.....at all. Now we are all networking and in longarm guilds, share thread, all good now.

Another thing...the more longarmers in the area, the more we support the quilt shops, the more fabric they sell, the more tops we get to quilt.....win win.

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Before I got my first LA I went and introduced myself to the longarmer in my little town and saw her set up. Told her what machine I was getting stuff like that. At the time I didn't have a plan to go into business and told her so. She was not real forthcoming with any info and was suspicious. Come to find out that she'd had a gal, a couple years earlier, that had bought a midarm befriend her. Pick her brain, even have her give her some lessons. Then when the longarmer got busy with her day job, the gal went to guild meetings and told them that she was out of business and that SHE would be glad to do their quilts.

I just kept my word. When I did start taking customers I called her and told her first and wanted to make sure I wasn't undercutting her. At that point she gave me copies of all her forms, work orders etc to help me out.

I really think that the internet has been a big part of getting us to work together and not see all competition as out to destroy us. But it hasn't always been so friendly.

People, like your liar, make it harder for folks to want to help them. It's really sad, she could have gotten so much support by just being honest, but if she's not online she may not be familiar with the generosity of longarmers. That being said, none of the big longarmers in my area are on any of the email lists or chats. They've learned everything the hard way without the support we have on lists like this.

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That is a great attitude Karen. Most longarmers in my area are tight lipped, that is why I love this forum. Even my sister would rather I not share with other LA's. She loves it when I share with her though. I have a friend that just purchase an APQS and I'm trying to help her get going... she just needs encouragement. She is a great quilter, and shop owner.

I took Karen's class once in Janesville it was great for anyone who hasn't taken a class from you.

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Another thing that irrates me is when someone asks you to "show" them how to quilt--the basics, buying fabric, cutting, sewing, piecing..... and before you know it, they are charging more than you do for a quilt.

And when someone starts out, I really do not think they should get the same price for quilting that someone who has been doing it for years and years. I know someone who has the gracie frame and viking setup, who does not even quilt the whole quilt, she just does rows with quite a bit of space inbetween those rows, and still asks the .015 psi...'But there again, the comsumer needs to be aware.

Oh well, there is my gripe for the day....:o

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I agree that your liar/ fake customer was out of line and also very transparent. I'm glad you stood up and called her on it.

Remember though, every time a newbie shows up here with a question about starting a business the first thing we say is --check the local potential competition for length of backlog. We never tell them to ask about pricing/machines, etc. but those would be valid questions.

I will tell them when (what month) I can finish their quilt and leave all other questions unanswered until they set up a drop-off. They got your name somewhere--probably from the LQS or a happy customer so if they are genuine and you have been recommended, that and a sketchy pricing structure is all they need to know.

I just had a message on my machine left at 2 pm asking about quilting. When I got home at 5 pm I called back. She actually laughed at me and said, "I have it all taken care of. If you want me as a customer, you have to move faster than that!" I am sure that whoever gets this woman as a customer will eat a big plate of PITA before she is finished!!:P:P:P

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Joann I'm with you she should have atleast been honest. I can't imagine a regular customer asking me all those questions. I know there are some in my area that aren't as generous and worried about what you will "steal" from them. Its a free world as far as I'm concerned and I think everybody has their style. I have friends that do this for fun and I help out all I can. I'm always very appreciative when somebody helps me out!

Linda I'd say it was your lucky day to not be home when she called! Your gain her loss!:P:P:P

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I agree, that lady doesn't realise just how good you are...other wise she wouldn't have burned her bridge with you by what she said. One day she will figure it out.

I feel better about this today, I take comfort in the fact of "what goes around, comes around" and all of the great people on this site to vent to when this sort of thing happens..after all who else would understand as all of you :)


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This has happened to me three times, and all three of those people now have machines. 1 is the owner of the little quilt shop that is never open. The other is about 50 miles from here, and the 3rd is the one who will quilt anything for $25.00

She is still getting almost all the business around here with her 6 and 7 inch wide pantographs for $25.00

It truly sucks

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