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I got a free haircut!

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Having slept on it, I think it really is a winner. It is very you.

Now here's a thought. If I stand next to you will people think I am the nice respectable one :) Nope I wouldn't dare say that were we in the same room :)


Off to see if the adjusted timing has done the trick.

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It Really draws attention to your eyes! make sure you wear your mascara!

and the earrings, you can really show off some funky earrings! Cute! Very edgy and cool!

I went to get a haircut a couple years ago, and the one instruction that I gave the little girl with the sissors was NO Bob. I like longish layers, bangs, and have some natural curl, so I like a bit of length so it will curl...and straight down the sides of my face is not good.

We talked about it, she washed my hair, came back to the chair, started combing my hair out, and got a phone call. Which I think completely distracted her...When she came back she said, I think we'll cut it short and spikey HERE (in the back) and leave these long piecey chunks HERE...(In the front) IT's the hairdo where they straighten the front and put gel in and spike up the back....and I'm about to say," NO, I don't want long around my face, and I don't want short in the back" then SNIP, the back of my hair was GONE. I stopped her and told her that I didn't want it short in the back!! :mad:

Well, of course, it's too late, and what am I going to do with this HOLE in the back of my hair? She's standing there with this dumb look on her face, looking at it like, well, what am I going to do NOW? (I should have left at that point! 20-20 hindsight!) :(

well, when I left there, my hair was GONE... it was long about middle of the back, and when she was done, it was above my ears about like Linzi's, without the shaved bits.

Then, she curled it, and used a ton of hairspray, and when I left there, I was in tears.

I walked the 1/2 a block to my dgf's alterations shop, and I walked in and saw myself in her three-way mirror, and I really started crying! I said, "I look like my grandma!!"

I cried on my dgf's shoulder and she told me to go home and wash it, and see what it really looked like without all the spray.

It's taken me about three years to grow it back out again. Now, I'm completely scared to go anywhere to get it cut..and am in dire need of a new do!

My dgf used to do hair before she started doing alterations. I told her the next time I go to ha hairdresser, she's going with me, because I obviously don't communicate the same way they do!! I don't speak hairdresser! :D

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Good for you LInzi......to H with what other people say..they're just jealous that they're not brave enough to do it!

When I was in my 20's we lived in Germany. Hubby was in the Army. The Sasson cut was really the thing in Europe and I liked it. Soooo, I got the cut. For those who don't know what Sasson's cut was: picture a shprt cut like Linzi's on one side and longer on the other. The cool part was that your hair was swept sideways in back from the short side toward the longer side.

I only had the longer side about 2 inches longer. Well, my husband declared that I looked like Peter Pan and with my angular features I needed a more feminine style!! I didn't have much self confidence in my appearance to begin with and that statement really took away what I had. I never did something "different" again!!

Just to give you an idea about my "angular features"..I am 5'9" and weighed 135 lbs!

SO stay brave Linzi..forge on

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