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power failures around us

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If I don 't get to talk to you for a day or two it's because our power went out. We have about 1/2 inch of ice so far and they are calling for another inch, then 1-2 inches of snow on top of that. If the power goes out it will be a few days. We are the LAST house in the county to get a reconnect, according to the electric company; because we are not on a main road.

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Oh Teresa - I feel for you - Good Luck!!!! I will take snow anyday over ice.... yuck!!!

Saw that on the news and I was so glad it wasn't us, forget sometimes that I might just know someone who it might affect. Hope all will stay safe and warm - let us know you are o.k. please. (We will worry.....:()

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OH! I hate ice, but I love snow......and we're getting it today!! There's probably about 10"so far and it is still coming down hard!! I live in town and it took me over a half hour to literally go around my block!! I am at work this morning answering the phone and calling people to cancell their appointments..... can you believe,someone called to MAKE an appointment for today?!!!:o:o Needless to say, the phone is not ringing~:) Teresa,Stay in and safe~~ bundle up, do exercises to keep warm!!! linda

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We ended up with 4 inches of ice with 4 to5 inches of snow on top of that. We still have power but no heat. Hopefully they will get that going before to long. If not I have quilts to keep us warm!!

I think Ohio and Tennessee is getting more than us in So. Illinois, I'll be thinking of you today.

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Power is back on. It was only off for a while during the night, and I was wraped up in my bed in two quilts, so not too bad. We got about and inch of ice and probably 2 inches or so of snow. The problem is that, like Bonnie, we are way up on top of a hill. So we aren't going anywhere unless we slide down. Then we'd have to walk back up.

I think I'll stay it the house and quilt.:P

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Glad to hear that it wasn't for long.....so far we have only had snow...not sleet yet, but hear that is still to come later today....so far about 6 inches of snow, but still coming down to hard to even try to get the snowblower out...which I get to do by myself as Gene is off at work in CT today.....and he will need the hill cleaned off so he can get to supper tonight.:P

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My hubby is gone today too! I swear they plan it that way! He is thinking he driving home from Syracuse this afternoon. I sure wish he'd just stay put. You know Utica will be miserable! We have about 4 or more on the ground right now. It looks like the ice is starting to come in now. Hope Gene gets home safely. CT is turning to ice already.

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We haven't gotten any ice, but just about 30-45min south of here did get some ice too. Well, the snow has stopped and the sun is acutally trying to come out! I am home from work now, they called a level 3, which means no one is allowed on the roads except police, fire, ext..... Looks like we got somewhere over a foot of snow!! Really pretty!! I'm going to take a nap, then spend the rest of the day and night quilting! Glad your electric is back on , Teresa!! linda

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Glad to hear all is going pretty well. Hopw your trees are holding up to the ice too. It may be very pretty, which I do like to look at, but not so safe.....

When we drove home from Florida a couple of weeks ago we were heading right into the storm up here. My husband is an excellent driver thank-goodness!!!

During our drive home, I saw a truck roll-over and flip upside-down in the middle of our lanes. More than a bit freaky as it was coming at us!! That was a first for me to see, never want to again either, crazy! People in the ditch everywhere......

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We got about 4" of sleet and ice with 4" of snow on top in Southern IL. My husband spent the day with his tractor and blade cleaning out driveways for the neighbors. I spent the day cleaning my quilting area in my basement and getting a Christmas tree skirt ready to quilt. (I am really late for Christmas or will be really ahead for next year). When he came in, he told me we had real problems and for me to come upstairs. We have a building outside our back door with a hot tub inside. The roof has collapsed into the building. I didn't think it was safe for him to go inside to try to lift it up since it still has a lot of ice and snow on it. So it will be a problem to face tomorrow. Did I mention that today was his birthday? Not much of a present..


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I hate to say this but I am enjoying hearing about the ice & snow.

We are looking at 105-110 deg for the next few days & have already had that for the past few days.

Hot & dry... we are in drought so even cooling off becomes an issue. We can't just stand outside & turn on the garden hose

as we aren't allowed. It's even too hot to quilt! :(

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Jenny I hate the heat but that sounds nice at the moment! LOL

Hubby made it home. Our snow changed to ice then rain and then back to ice and snow! I think it is done for now. We probably got about 6 or 7" plus the ice. I'm sure the commute will be a blast in the morning! Hubby just got home again from digging out his mother. I spent the day working at home and then I quilted the evening away!

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I'm just catching up after having the electric off for almost 24 hours. I was so happy to see the AEP trucks stop outside my house. No electric meant no heat but I have a lot of quilts around so I was cozy last night. Today was getting quite chilly in the house though. From what my neighbors told me several lines were down due to ice but our problem was the transformer at the back of our yards. It made a big bang when it blew. Now the heat is back on and it is getting warmer I might even be able to sew in a few hours.


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