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Jenny, Please feel free to bottle some of that 110 degree heat up and send it our way. I could use some to thaw out my driveway that is one lumpy sheet of ice. Just walking down the driveway to get the mail is a challenge. Even the rock salt isn't making a dent. How many weeks till spring? Dianne

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Just finished another bout of shovelling...I'm so ready for spring! I'll have to go out again later and widen the driveway out by the road in case I need to order water... the water truck would never make it in right now.

Our weather news is hinting at another major storm overnight Monday into Tuesday, they're now quite sure yet.

I am grateful that we have not had the ice that some of you have had. On the news this morning they were showing some pics of some of you to the south....looks horrible! I guess I'll take the snow over the ice anyday.

I think this is the most snow we've had in 10 or 12 years!

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Originally posted by DB

How many weeks till spring? Dianne

Guess we will know next week if the ol' Groundhog sees his shadow or not......:P;) And I've been wondering something....what happened to the Global Warming....haven't seen much of that lately either.:P;):P

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