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Sharing a FUNNY

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I was cleaning out my U2U folder and I had this funny email from Claudia and it was too funny.

Her English is awesome but one day I made a comment in a post that "I was on Fire" and she thought I was litterally on fire.

It really made me laugh. I assured her it was just a figure of Speech so I never say that anymore.

Don't want to worry my friend like that.

Have a good time Enjoying your SUPERBOWL DAY.

I don't do football. I know its un American. lolololol

Hugs and to a good week,

Grammie Tammie

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Hummm! Fudge!! That's my worst most favorite thing to eat in the world! I've been known to make a pan and then hide it so I could eat it all by myself! Or...stop at the fudge shop and get a pound to eat by myself! Or...sneak to the kitchen and eat some in the middle of the night. Oh, and it makes a great breakfast!! Did I say that it's my alltime favorite! Made some for New Year's day because I knew that my stepson and family were coming from Denver and I gave them (only) half to take home. Lucky for me my son and DIL aren't into sweets and her dad is a diabetic!!

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Tammie, I know what you mean about the English slang and how it's translated...and gosh I know Claudia and she's such a hoot! She should know what you meant because she's always "on fire" LOL!!! :P

I didn't watch the game today, either. I went to a Pampered Chef party instead and bought lots of stuff (like I don't have enough Pampered Chef stuff already..lol) and we ate yummy pampered chef meals from their recipe books!! But, I listened to the tail end of the game on the radio as I was driving home and it sounds like it was a really exciting, close game especially toward the end!

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Shana I have lots of pampered chef. I love that stuff. And I really use. lol I just got home. Went to watch Amanda DJ for the Superbowl. I only like the commercials. lolol Home much earlier than most. lolol.. I can't hang out like I could at an earlier time. lol

Tracey FUDGE last for days and I'm close!!!!!!!

Does this mean I'm getting old or just plain boring. I love being home. By the way painting a large space is NOT FUN PEOPLE!!! Poor me!!!! Gotta get that done before the flooring. Then I'm off .....well you you Knew that I think. .... lolololol

Barb save me some fudge and Tracye you get back guilting. No rest for you!!!!! lololol

Oh Shana you had a pic in another post. WOW . Its beautiful. Your Quilting was awesome.

As far as the SuperBowl goes I could care less who wins. Sorry sports fans. I wanta see blood in my sports. lolol Not my bag. lololol

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Now THAT'S funny! Hard to pictue Superbowl fever reaching Downunder! I am soooo not into sports! I'm 5'10" and the coach's always wanted me to play basketball, like being tall was sign that I would without question be enthusiastic about running, and sweating, and bouncing about. Bleeech!

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Originally posted by quiltmonkey

I went to a Pampered Chef party instead

Man I wish we lived closer....I would have gone with you, and maybe even brought some fab fudge....

I listened to the game, but WATCHED the commercials....love those. After working in Advertising for so many years, I still get excited when I see a GREAT commercial, and these are some of the best.

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I am not a much of a football fan either. I did catch a commercial walking by the room...it was funny. It is too bad commercials can't be like that all the time:P then TV might be worth watching more...lol...:P:P:P

Fudge...any day:D

Claudia, can't wait to see your Fire and Ice quilt.

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Hi Claudia we MISS YOU TOO!

I know the quilt will stop us in our TRACKS . Can't wait to see it. I will miss Kansas this year as My daughter is graduating College May 16th. I might pass thru if my husband is still working in Kansas but that isn't a sure thing. Suppose to come home in April.

Take care


I'm with all of you. Fudge anytime!!!!!!

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Claudia I can't wait to see your fire & ice quilt! I'm sure it will be smashing!

I listened to the game for the most part while I quilted. I'm working on my son's wedding quilt. I just calculated how much thread I've used so far and I'm up to almost 3000 yards and I'm not half done yet! Yikes I had no idea! It has a lot of stitching in it. I can't wait to get it off the frame so I can wash out all the marks and really look at the quilting. Everytime I go a little off I say FUDGE and then have to eat some kind of chocolate to make it through.

Oh mom called me after the half time show and wanted to know why they were having a revival during the Superbowl. Mmmmmmm well in her mind if your wearing robes and holding lit candles in the air it must be a revival! LOL she cracks me up! Claudia she is German too and sometimes she confuses me with her translation of things! She has made up her own language I think. I call it Annelie language and it is a hoot!

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