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link for bags

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I'm sorry to ask this question again, but I was wondering about where you all purchase bags for customer quilts. I found some great info a few weeks ago, Mary Beth gave who she uses and the link but I've lost the info. and I'm ready to order some. Thanks again.


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When I was in business, I ordered bags from Cleanersupply.com. I used the blanket bags with the vents on the side. Don't get the large ones as they are big. The medium and small were the ones I used most. Granted you may need the large ones if you do a lot of large quilts. But order only a few at first then if you need more go for it.


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I also purchased from Uline and my clients like the big clear plastic bags - they have a handle, a king will fit in them, and you can see the quilt and know what it is.

There was a post earlier about this and I looked up all the recommendations and settled on this. It works out to be about $.35/bag.


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If you really want to show your customers that you really care about their quilts then this is the packaging for you! I use garment bags from " A Needle Runs Through It"

the owners name is Valorie Schlake from Virginia. The more you buy the cheaper they are and they are a permanent way for the quilts to go back and forth. The website shows other bags made from the same material you might be interested it. My customers are impressed with this packaging and it works out well for me.

The website also has a video of her machine quilting that I felt was very well put together. Here's the website to take a look. Don't forget to tell her Gail Drake sent you. A needle runs through it.com

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I use the U-line ones as well...the size I get are the "Jumbo"

I also print off lables with my logo and info on them and stick them to the bags...this way the customer always remembers their quilter ;) good advertising and a great way for them to bring new quilts back to me in. Jumbo size fits the king size quilts nicely and you can get 2 twins in them as well.


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